I did it. After 3 long years, tests, papers and the ultimate test of endurance, I finally finished law school! I graduated law school. Whew, honestly there were times I thought I would never be able to write that sentence. But I did it! I couldn't have done it without my wonderful family who supported me, let me cry on the phone, vent, take on my frustration on and never stopped encouraging me to do my best. I couldn't have done it without my wonderful boyfriend (and his family) who let me take out every frustration, happiness, up and down on him over the last 3 years while he was going through the same stuff (Congrats Babe!). And my wonderful friends in Arizona, California and Colorado, who called me to check on my, skype with me and believe in me. And, my ladies in Omaha who drank copious amounts of wine, coffee and energy drinks with me. The girls who saved me from this mess called law school and with whom I built amazing life long friendships. I'm here because of the people who believed in me and I am forever grateful that I got to celebrate with those people. Graduation weekend was amazing and here are some pictures to document it.
My gorgeous family
My ladies
And this amazing man who graduated with me!
So blessed and thankful to have all these people in my life.
I did it.
So very proud of you!