Happy Saturday everyone! If you're looking for me today, you're going to have to head to Arizona because I'm celebrating my best friends' wedding (shower) today. My best friend/MOH is also engaged! Is there anything better than planning a wedding with your best friend? I think not. Today, I get to celebrate Whitney and her future husband and I'm so excited.
Whit, I'm so glad you found your other half, your partner in crime (even though I'm still your girl partner in crime) and your forever love. You are so deserving of his love and he is so lucky to have yours. I wish you two nothing but a lifetime of love, happiness, joy and celebrations. Today is dedicated to you, I can't wait to celebrate your wedding in a few short months! We're in the final stretch! I love you both!
I mean hi, she is going to be a stunner bride.
I bet you're wondering why the title of this post is about Saturday when it's only Friday. Well... I figure you're going to need time to head to the grocery store to get all your supplies so you can make Saturday brunch tomorrow! Because, is there anything better than Saturday brunch? When we first moved to Denver it didn't take us long to realize that Denver & brunch go together like pb&j. We've found the best bloody mary bar, spicy chicken and waffles (and homemade pop tarts!) and a buffet the size of a football field. Even though brunches are easy to find here, sometimes it's just too cold to venture outside, so the next best option? Homemade brunch. My friend B sent me this recipe and I kind of modified it based on what I had in my fridge & to make it paleo. Here's the recipe B used and mine is below! I hope you like it!
- 2 sweet potatoes, cut into cubes
- 1 onion, diced
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 2 eggs, your choice, I do over-easy
- Chicken sausage, bacon, regular sausage, whatever you like, cut small
- 1 avocado, made into guac or sliced!
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- salt and pepper
How to make:
- Heat a sauce pan with some coconut oil to medium heat.
- Cut up the potatoes, onions and garlic. Throw them in the pan. I let them cook for about 10 minutes to soften but cook them until they are as crunchy/soft as you like them.
- Once the potatoes are to your liking, throw in the chicken sausage. Season with the chili powder, cumin and salt and pepper. Now taste it! Does it need more?
- Let that all simmer while you make the eggs.
- Now, compile everything.
- I do, potatoes, guac, eggs, but feel free to mix it up.
- Enjoy!
all the delicious ingredients!
mix it all together.
the finished, delicious product.
I've seen these going around the blog world lately and I love them. I think they're perfect so readers "get to know the person behind the blogger!" I found this one from The New Mrs. (go check her out!) and loved learning more about her! Life recently has been crazy around here, lots of changes, trips and things to look forward too! I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed filling it out!

Happy Thursday everyone!
Anticipating - our wedding! 72 days!
Feeling - excited (I'm heading home today!), sore (my knee hurts today!), anxious (first dress fitting tomorrow!)
Enjoying - All the wedding things we've been celebrating lately.
Drinking - wine, duh. I gave up beer for lent (and some other things, don't judge) but beer is so hard not to drink, especially living in Denver with all these amazing breweries!
Making - Lot's of new recipes! Keep checking the blogs for delicious recipes!
Planning - Honeymoon, 4th of July and our first trip as a married couple that doesn't have to do with our wedding!
Reminiscing - about our wedding shower last weekend! it was such a wonderful weekend getting to spend time with our friends and family. I wish we could re-do it every weekend.
Buying - Nothing special...except for wedding related things!
Watching - If you all knew the amount of things my DVR holds, you'd think I'm crazy. The Bachelor, 2 Broke Girls, RHOBH, Vanderpump Rules, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Shark Tank, Mom, Law and Order SVU, Glee, Grey's Anatomy. Yeah, I know, it's a lot, but I've very dedicated to my shows :)
Loving - That I'm heading home this weekend to celebrate my best friend's wedding shower!
Hoping - my flight isn't delayed this morning!
Hating - my knee brace. do you know how hard it is to dress in winter clothes without being able to wear pants? Leggings are not very warm.
Working on - strengthening my knee, growing my blog, working out without using my knee and all kinds of fun last minute wedding stuff!
Wishing - it would stop snowing. I mean seriously. It has been freezing cold and snowy for over a week now. I just want heat, sunshine and time by the pool.
Wanting - some new eye glasses. I can't stop looking at Warby Parker and deciding which ones to try out! They're all so cute.
Needing - a manicure.
Doing - ...at this very moment? nothing. catching up on blogs, watching some TV and drinking my hot coffee. Perfect mix of activities if I say so myself.
Obsessing - over everything spring. all I want do to is online shop for everything floral, colorful and flowy.
Accessorizing - with my knee brace. be jealous, I heard it's all the fashion trend right now.
Attention, attention, another Kristen-mushy wedding post coming your way!
This past weekend Adam and I had the most amazing couple's shower. It was hosted by three of my best girlfriends, Adam's 2 sisters and his mom. We were able to spend so much time with our best friends and family all while celebrating our upcoming wedding! It's crazy to think that the next time we'll be with all these people will be on our wedding day! The shower was so much fun, but also so special to us. These 6 ladies have known Adam and I since day 1 so they catered it to us and our personalities. It was so special. They went all out with amazing details. One of my favorite details included Adam's answers to questions that the hostesses asked him. The questions included "I admire Kristen because..." "I knew Kristen was the one when..." and "my best date with Kristen was..." It was so sweet to read Adam's answers abut our relationship. I cannot wait to marry this man :) Thank you to all the lovely hostesses for the perfect Saturday.
1. Adam and I celebrating. 2. My 3 beautiful friends & hostesses.
So, I wrote this post before Chris kicked off the unfortunate soul... (more on that later). So spoiler alert: thank goodness Whitney wasn't kicked off last night or else this post would have really sucked.
PS. I don't read Reality Steve or any of those other spoiler alert websites, so if you know who wins, please don't tell! I don't know who wins, this is just my best educated-I've been watching the show for 15 years-guess.
Here are 10 reasons why I think, Whitney is going to win the Bachelor.
PS. I don't read Reality Steve or any of those other spoiler alert websites, so if you know who wins, please don't tell! I don't know who wins, this is just my best educated-I've been watching the show for 15 years-guess.
Here are 10 reasons why I think, Whitney is going to win the Bachelor.
- Kaitlyn's arm tats. What are those? I mean, I'm all for freedom of expression, but those just aren't good.
- Katilyn's "beachy" hair. I'm not one to judge on frizzy hair, but it sucks for her that it was so humid in Bali. Not her best look.
- Whitney's perfect pink lipstick while cruising on the yacht. I mean, could it have been any more subtle or perfect for her skin tone.
- Whitney want's to be a mom and a wife and is 100% willing to give up her job as a fertility nurse to move to Arlington.
- Becca is a virgin and always has this expression on her face.
- The amount of sweat on Chris' forehead when he's with Whitney verses anyone else.
- Chris Harrison's blue eyes and blue linen shirt during his talk with Chris regarding Becca. I'm not sure what this has to do with Whitney winning, but I mean, did anyone else notice the matching blue?
- Whitney's green earrings at the rose ceremony. Again not sure what they have to do with her winning, but they were gorgeous on her.
- The amount of fillers/botox Becca has that makes it hard for her to show any emotion.
- The fact that Kailtyn would be an adorable/hilarious Bachelorette. I'm voting for her to be the next.
Spoiler Alert: Kaitlyn was the most recent unlucky lady to get kicked off.
If you guys are eating paleo or eating clean and not reading Lexi's Clean Kitchen, you are missing out! She made these paleo truffles and they are incredible. I made them when we had some friends over and needless to say, they were a hit. Perfect little decadent treat when you're craving something super chocolatey and good. Enjoy!
- 12 ounces dark chocolate
- 1 cup coconut milk
- 1/2 teaspoon instant espresso powder
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup
- dash sea salt
- 1/2 cup cocoa powder for rolling
- Break up chocolate into pieces.
- In a pot, heat coconut milk and chocolate. Add in espresso powder and maple syrup. Mix until combined.
- Remove and add a dash of sea salt.
- Set the bowl in the refridgerator for about 5 hours until the mixture hardens.
- Take out a few minutes before to allow it to soften.
- Scoop out 1/2 inch balls with a spoon and lay them out on parchment paper. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
- Roll truffle balls with your hands to make them round.
- Roll balls in cocoa powder and serve.
- Enjoy!
I ran out of dark chocolate chunks, so I had to pull out some dark chocolate chips.
melt it all together...
look at that goodness.
4 ingredients, 1 muffin. I made these muffins the other day because I thought 4 ingredients? That's crazy! Turns out these little delights are amazing. They're more like a dessert muffin than a breakfast muffin. I got the recipe from My Whole Food Life, enjoy! These are perfect for this cold Sunday morning!
- 1 cup creamy almond butter
- 2 very ripe bananas
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
- 1/3 cup cocoa powder
How to make:
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. It's super sticky so make sure to scrape the sides down!
- Spoon batter in to lined muffin cups.
- Top with chocolate chips (totally optional, but totally worth it)
- Bake for 15-20 minutes.
- Enjoy!
Look at all those delicious ingredients.
I forgot to take an end pic, so this is all you get, sorry, enjoy!
Today Adam and I are celebrating our (last) wedding shower with our closest friends and family. It's our final hoorah before the wedding! I thought this was the perfect verse for today and for us.
Song of Solomon 3: 1-5.
Happy Saturday everyone!
Song of Solomon 3: 1-5.
All night long on my bed I looked for the one my heart loves; I looked for him but did not find him. I will get up now and go about the city, through its streets and squares; I will search for the one my heart loves. So I looked for him but did not find him. The watchmen found me as they made their rounds in the city. “Have you seen the one my heart loves?” Scarcely had I passed them when I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go till I had brought him to my mother’s house, to the room of the one who conceived me. Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.
Here's the BBQ we paired with the meatloaf! I would seriously put this BBQ sauce on anything and everything; chicken, steak, meatloaf, waffles.... Yes, it's that good. Enjoy peeps!
- 6 ounces tomato paste
- 1 cup beef stock
- 1/4 cup shallot, minced fine
- 3 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
- 1 teaspoon horseradish
- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon red pepper
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1 teaspoon pepper
How to Make:
- Combine all ingredients into a sauce pan and bring to a quick simmer.
- Reduce to medium-low heat and cover for 15-20 minutes, stirring frequently. (It might stick to the pan!)
- The longer you simmer, the better the flavor. I probably simmered for about 35 minutes.
- Pour over the meatloaf, chicken, steak, macaroni and cheese.
- Enjoy!
Guys, this is literally the only picture I have, because that's how easy it is!
When I first told Adam I was making meatloaf, he was less than thrilled. I can't really blame him, when most people think of meatloaf they think of just that... a loaf of meat. I promise this is nothing like that! This was so super flavorful, delicious and moist (yes, I hate that word too). The BBQ sauce on top was spicy and just perfect. Before you judge, I suggest you make this and try it out for yourself, I promise, you'll love it! I found the recipe for the BBQ sauce and the meatloaf in Paleo Comfort Foods, the only difference, I used buffalo instead of turkey. Enjoy, enjoy!
- 2 medium onions, chopped
- 1 red bell pepper, chopped (I used my dried peppers)
- 1 teaspoon kosher salt
- 1 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 teaspoon thyme
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste
- 1/2 cup chicken stock
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- 2 large eggs
- 4 pounds ground turkey, bison, ground beef or venison
- Preheat oven to 325.
- Saute onions, red pepper and all spices with coconut oil over medium heat until onions become translucent, about 10 minutes.
- Remove from heat an stir in tomato paste, stock and Worcestershire sauce.
- In a large bowl, crack eggs over your meat and fold in the onion mix once it has cooled.
- Form the meat mixture into whatever shape you like! I used a bread man and then it slid out in the perfect loaf shape.
- Place on sheet pan or casserole dish.
- Pour your BBQ sauce over the top and make for about 90 minutes! After it was cooked, I broiled it for about 5 minutes to crisp it up.
- Enjoy!
The onion mixture (#2)
The meat mixture (#4)
Hi, that is a perfect meat mold (#5)
Perfect meatloaf. Thanks for the plate, B!
The finished product! Enjoy!
Happy Wednesday everyone! With Adam having the day off Monday, this week is flying! 3 days until the weekend and 3 days until we jet off to Omaha to celebrate our wedding shower with our family and friends (hooray!)!
If you've been reading this blog for at least a week, you know how much I love Sam Smith. His voice is everything. So when I found this mashup of Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith, I almost died. I hope you enjoy this mashup as much as I do! It's Wednesday people, make it great!
If you've been reading this blog for at least a week, you know how much I love Sam Smith. His voice is everything. So when I found this mashup of Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith, I almost died. I hope you enjoy this mashup as much as I do! It's Wednesday people, make it great!
Thinking Out Loud / I'm Not The Only One Mashup (Sam Tsui & Casey Breves)
Did you know today is Random Acts of Kindness Day? Today across the Denver metro area, the KIND team will perform 24 acts of kindness, one to represent each hour of this day. These acts will range from delivering bike helmets to Wish for Wheels to cleaning the snow off shoppers’ cars at Whole Foods, and will take place throughout the city from 9:30am - 5pm.
I'll be taking the pledge to do 24 acts of kindness today, wanna join me? If you do, make sure to tweet, Facebook or comment here with your acts! Together we can help make the world kinder.
this post is sponsored by KIND Snacks, but all thoughts and opinions (and acts) are my own!
I'll be taking the pledge to do 24 acts of kindness today, wanna join me? If you do, make sure to tweet, Facebook or comment here with your acts! Together we can help make the world kinder.
Here are some ideas (and what the KIND team will be doing):
- Hold the door open for a group of strangers
- Pick up litter on the sidewalk
- Put quarters in parking meters that have run out of time
- Compliment a parent on their child’s behavior
- Leave a nice note on the tab complimenting the service
- Thank a veteran for their service
- Write a positive review on yelp for a small local business
- Tell the manager of the waiter or barista that served you what an awesome job they did
- Leave a thank you note on your mailbox for when the mailman drops off your mail
- Hide a $10 bill in a coffee shop with a note for the person who finds it
- Put shopping carts away at a grocery store
- Smile at a stranger
- Leave a basket of tennis balls at a local dog park
Check our their twitter @KINDsnacks or their facebook at KIND
And remember....
this post is sponsored by KIND Snacks, but all thoughts and opinions (and acts) are my own!
Okay, woah. I love the Bachelor, but 5 hours of bachelor-goodness in 2 days is a lot to handle. This is gonna be a long one, we're doing 5 hours in one post. Feel free to get a strong cup of coffee before you start this post, you're going to need it!
Let's start with Chris' tell all. I can't lie, but I found it mostly boring. I think the Kelsey interview actually hurt her more than helped her. Honey, time to tuck your tail between your legs, apologize for being condescending and let's move on. Second, the Andi interview was heartbreaking. Being a forever fan of the Bachelor, I honestly thought they'd make it. It was so sad seeing her cry when talking about Josh. I'll be the one to hold out hope of them reconciling.
Now, to Chris' hometown. I found it hilar that the girls went to Des Moines pre-Arlington. I've been to Des Moines... And either Chris made them go to Des Moines first to prep them for small-town Arlington or Arlington doesn't have any hotels. I'm guessing both. I feel sad for Chris that he feels ashamed of his home town, it's even worse that Britt keeps lying to him about it. Now to quotes about Arlington, "Where hills and prairie's meet."
"There is not an open bar in Arlington." Woah.
"There are no restaurants or coffee shops in Arlington. There are no small movie theaters."
"Liquor, Pizza, Chicken and Frozen Yogurt to go"
"A slow drive around Arlington takes 3 seconds."
Group Date Time! I have to be honest, I love this part of the show because I know all the girls names and I feel like I know the girls about as much as Chris does. Here's my thoughts on the three group date girls.
Let's start with Chris' tell all. I can't lie, but I found it mostly boring. I think the Kelsey interview actually hurt her more than helped her. Honey, time to tuck your tail between your legs, apologize for being condescending and let's move on. Second, the Andi interview was heartbreaking. Being a forever fan of the Bachelor, I honestly thought they'd make it. It was so sad seeing her cry when talking about Josh. I'll be the one to hold out hope of them reconciling.
Now, to Chris' hometown. I found it hilar that the girls went to Des Moines pre-Arlington. I've been to Des Moines... And either Chris made them go to Des Moines first to prep them for small-town Arlington or Arlington doesn't have any hotels. I'm guessing both. I feel sad for Chris that he feels ashamed of his home town, it's even worse that Britt keeps lying to him about it. Now to quotes about Arlington, "Where hills and prairie's meet."
"There is not an open bar in Arlington." Woah.
"There are no restaurants or coffee shops in Arlington. There are no small movie theaters."
"Liquor, Pizza, Chicken and Frozen Yogurt to go"
"A slow drive around Arlington takes 3 seconds."
I just had to share this one from last episode, it's too good.
Group Date Time! I have to be honest, I love this part of the show because I know all the girls names and I feel like I know the girls about as much as Chris does. Here's my thoughts on the three group date girls.
- Oh Britt. Let's be real, you're never going to move to Arlington, so stop crying. Next. P.S. I love your crop tops.
- I think Carly is hilarious, but I definitely think she tries wayyy too hard. And, haven't we all learned that the girls that talk shit about the other girls, always go home? Especially when you talk about the only one he really likes (Britt).
- Kaitlyn. I have to be honest, I didn't like you at the beginning. I thought you were vulgar and a little nuts. I now think you're actually one of the honest and nice ones. I don't think you'll win, but I like you, you're gonna be close.
Britt's little panic attack post-rose was pretty sad/pathetic. I mean, sweetheart you are on the bachelor. If you wanted to be 'first,' don't date a guy that is dating 7 other girls. This is obviously not for you. But your pouty face is on point.
Day 2 of the Bachelor begins. I'm saying it right now, Becca is the dark horse. Slow to start, but I have a feeling she might win this thing. Britt, threatening to go home, Carly rolling her eyes and Jade's knee-highs... night two is starting out great. P.S. Whitney's pink dress is killer. Where can I get that. I feel like all of a sudden the show went from chaos to girls he actually likes. Let's do this.
Day 2 of the Bachelor begins. I'm saying it right now, Becca is the dark horse. Slow to start, but I have a feeling she might win this thing. Britt, threatening to go home, Carly rolling her eyes and Jade's knee-highs... night two is starting out great. P.S. Whitney's pink dress is killer. Where can I get that. I feel like all of a sudden the show went from chaos to girls he actually likes. Let's do this.
- Becca: Her hometown date was all about her virginity and lack of PDA. Boring.
- Whitney: This date was intense. Baby making and lack of permission to wed. But she's sweet and honest and I like her, despite her voice.
- Kaitlin: Her date was in Phoenix, so she gets props for that. But the rapping, seriously, it was so painful, I couldn't watch. Her family is adorable, I'm all about them and her now.
- Jade: All about nude photos. She is so cute, but I think everyone could tell this wasn't going to work.
Spoiler Alert: The girls we said goodbye to in the last 5 hours include Britt, Carly and Jade. See ya at the girls tell all!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! It's no surprise that I love Valentine's Day. Most people say it's over-rated, it's a Hallmark holiday or it's a chance to eat too expensive of a dinner. But hey, any chance to celebrate all the people I love is a good holiday and a good reason to me. To my forever love, my fiancé, my best friend, Adam, to my amazing, incredible family, my gorgeous friends... I love you, thank you for loving me back. To all the Valentine's Day nay-sayers, I hope you celebrate the love you have in your life, regardless of the amount of roses, chocolate or wine you have. And remember, you are loved.
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
Donuts, doughnuts, do-nuts? Is anyone else curious as to the multiple spellings of the word donut? No? Just me? Okay, it's not important anyways. These little donuts are so delicious and so easy to make. And, there is a huge possibility, and by huge, I mean, it happened...but Adam and I ate an entire batch of these donuts in one weekend. Weeps. Enjoy, enjoy!
- 1/2 cup coconut flour
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/8 salt
- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil (melted)
- 1/2 cup warm apple cider
- 2 tablespoon coconut oil
- Cinnamon and coconut sugar
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Line a baking sheet with a silpat or parchment paper
- In a small bowl, whisk together coconut flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt.
- In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, oil and honey.
- Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and stir until combined.
- Once mixed, add the warm apple cider until fully mixed in. This might take about 2 minutes, I promise it will mix in!
- Roll dough into 1 inch balls and place on baking sheet.
- Bake for 18 minutes and let cool.
- Brush donuts with melted coconut oil roll in cinnamon/sugar mixture.
- Enjoy!
the dough with the apple cider
pre-baked donuts
enjoy peeps, these are the best.
oh, and try not to eat them in one weekend, we weren't so lucky.
Last Saturday was more continuation of my recent bad luck. I tore my ACL. Bleh. Please save your condolences, because I've already thrown myself a pretty big pity party. I'm happy to report, the pity party is over. The sun is shining, it's 70 degrees in Denver and there are so many amazing things going on.
I find my inspiration in other people's joys. So, please instead of condolences, please leave things you're currently loving. Like I've said (blogged) before, sometimes life is hard, but it takes looking at the bigger picture to realize all the incredible things around us. Here are 8 things I'm loving right now.
I find my inspiration in other people's joys. So, please instead of condolences, please leave things you're currently loving. Like I've said (blogged) before, sometimes life is hard, but it takes looking at the bigger picture to realize all the incredible things around us. Here are 8 things I'm loving right now.
1. This clip from Dead Poet's Society.
2. This book.
3. This quote, via Eat Yourself Skinny.
4. Tomás
5. Henry James III. Yes, he has a middle name and a suffix. And no, there wasn't a first or second Henry James.
6. Adam. Wedding planning. Anticipating the start of our wedding season and the final countdown. Showers galore, bachelor and bachelorette parties. Dress fittings. Venue walk throughs. Honeymoon planning. And the best part? 86 days until we're married.
7. Netflix. My saving grace for a torn ACL. Friends, CougarTown, Chicago PD, Vampire Diaries and basically every other show I could ever dream of.
8. This mug, thoughtful friends and a warm cup of coffee.
What are you loving right now?
Soup Sunday is one of my favorite days of the week. Plus, having leftovers for Monday is so so great. I found this recipe online and when I first made the soup, I didn't love it. It was kind of bland and pretty dry. The next day I played around with the leftovers a little bit and was able to make it a lot better. The original recipe is as is, my additions are in red. I hope you enjoy it! Do you have any soups you love, if so, please share in the comments!
- 1 pound ground turkey (ground bison)
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder (2 teaspoons)
- 1/2 teaspoon basil (I used 2 fresh basil leaves, chopped)
- 1/2 teaspoon parsley (I used about 1 teaspoon fresh parsley, chopped)
- 1 garlic clovce, crushed
- 1 tablespoon almond meal
- 1 teaspoon sea salt (I added 2 more teaspoons)
- ground pepper
- 2 teaspoons red pepper flakes
- optional: 1 tablespoon fresh parmesan cheese
- 6 cups organic chicken stock
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed (I added 2 more garlic cloves)
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
- 2 large handfuls of kale
- 3 carrots, chopped
- 1 yellow onion, chopped
- 2 celery stalks, chopped
- 1 small bunch fresh basil, chopped
- 1 small bunch fresh parsley, chopped
- sea salt (I used about 1 tablespoon + more when it was bland)
- ground pepper
- optional: 1 tablespoon fresh parmesan cheese
- 1 can diced tomatoes
- 1 can tomato sauce
- 1 tablespoon italian seasoning
- 1 tablespoon garlic powder
How to make:
- Preheat oven to 350 degress
- In a large bowl, combine meatball ingredients
- Line a baking sheet and grease (I used a silpat)
- Roll meat balls into desired size
- Bake for 15 minutes until fully cooked
- While cooking, chop veggies
- In a pan, heat oil, garlic, add onion, celery and carrots. Let cook about 5 minutes
- Add broth and spices, bring to a boil, reduce heat, let simmer. I let it simmer until I was ready to eat, about 25 minutes.
- When I was ready, I added the kale and cooked for about 2 minutes, until it wilted.
- Add the meatballs, mix together and serve!
- Enjoy!
I always make Adam make the meatballs.
next time, I suggest making them smaller.
I browned them because that's how I like them.
the wedding soup! enjoy, enjoy!
We're finally at that point in the Bachelor where I know (most) of the girls names and their stories. We know that Kelsey is a widow, Ashley is a virgin, Britt doesn't wash her hair and Carly has horrible eyebrows. But we're also at that part in every Bachelor season where the crazies make their appearance. And the crazies definitley came out last night on the Bachelor. Every season there are always a couple that act a little nuts. People say it's the "pressure" of being on TV, the late nights, but I'm pretty sure it's the copious amounts of wine that's consumed that turns these average ladies into nuts. Remember Lucy from Juan Pablos season? Yes, the girl that was always naked. Or, Courtney, the ultimate bachelor villain? Every season has had its crazies, but I'm pretty sure Kelsey takes the cake. Some classic Kelsey quotes from last nights episode.
Spoiler Alert: Unfortunately Kelsey had to leave us this week, but not before Carly jumped on the couch and poured champs for all the surviving ladies. Maybe celebrating someones departure isn't ladylike, but at least Kelsey didn't "win."
I use big words... I'm a smart girl.
I came here to win it.
I would hate for you to let go of all the potential between us, because of girl talk.
I'm 28 years old, I was married, I lost the love of my life, I am a woman and I'm going to remember that she thinks she's playing a game, but I'm not.
My story is amazing, and its tragic and its inspiring and its beautiful. I am immeasurably blessed.
Spoiler Alert: Unfortunately Kelsey had to leave us this week, but not before Carly jumped on the couch and poured champs for all the surviving ladies. Maybe celebrating someones departure isn't ladylike, but at least Kelsey didn't "win."
The second big story of the night is the undeniable chemistry between Britt and Chris. Don't get me wrong, if I got left in a lobby at a hotel in Deadwood, South Dakota while B&C go to a Big&Rich concert, I'd be pissed too. I'd probably be drunker than most of the girls were, but I'd still be mad. Carly is hilarious and she sure isn't holding back her feelings for Miss Britt...
"She's definitely going to come in with no lipstick on her mouth anymore." -Carly. Well, Carly was right, Britt came in with lipstick half way up her face and so did Chris. I'm just glad Whitney told us she was here for the right reasons, because isn't that the whole point of this show? Meet a guy, makeout with the guy, marry the guy and move to Arlington, Iowa?
I think next week is going to get all kinds of steamy when Britt is confronted about her real feelings about Iowa. Until next time fellow bachelor viewers.
2nd Spoiler Alert: Here's the recent update on the unlucky girls sent home from South Dakota.
Better luck next time McKenzie, Samantha, Ashley I & Kelsey.
More dessert recipes, are you surprised? We were looking for something to make last Saturday for a lazy breakfast and this sounded so delicious, plus it didn't have all the sugar like most streusels do. Next time I'm going to use peaches, because I'm partial to peaches in warm desserts. Don't hate me, but I forgot to take pictures of the making process. Here are some pictures of the almost finished and finished! I promise you will love this dessert!
- 1/4 cup honey
- 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
- 4 eggs
- 1/2 cup almond milk
- 3/4 cup almond flour
- 1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon coconut flour
- 2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup blueberries
- 1 cup chopped pecans
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
- 1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon coconut flour
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- Grease an 8x8 inch baking pan with coconut oil
- Combine almond flour, 1/2 cup coconut flour, baking powder and salt.
- In a separate bowl, combine honey, coconut oil, eggs and almond milk.
- Mix wet ingredients with dry ingredients.
- In a separate bowl, mix together streusel ingredients.
- In the prepared pan, place half the cake dough, top with streusel, then the rest of the cake dough and the rest of the streusel.
- Bake for 35 minutes or until a knife pulls out clean.
- Enjoy!
everything ready to go in the oven
we cooked this for about 45 minutes, but that was due to high altitude i think...
and we like it nice and crunchy!
try not to eat the whole thing in one sitting :)
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