Remember that time I told you paleo desserts are kind of my thing? If I'm being honest all desserts are my thing. When I was little I thought your stomach was composed of a bunch of different shelves and that regular food couldn't fill up your top shelf -- only desserts could.
Hey, PS I still think that. I can eat enough for a family of 5 and still be ready for dessert. It's a problem I'm come to accept, which is why paleo treats are critical to my diet and my waist line.
While paleo treats are delicious, there are days I still miss regular treats.
For example, I love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, so I made these. I love donuts, so I made these. I LOVE truffles, hence this recipe. Chocolate muffins -- done. Chocolate chip cookies -- done and done.
Are you guys ready for this? I'm not sure if you are. But -- introducing paleo twix bars. I'm going to give you a minute to think about that.
Paleo. Twix. Bars. You are welcome.
Shortbread Crust:
Whats your favorite dessert? I definitely think these are my new favs! Enjoy everyone!
Hey, PS I still think that. I can eat enough for a family of 5 and still be ready for dessert. It's a problem I'm come to accept, which is why paleo treats are critical to my diet and my waist line.
While paleo treats are delicious, there are days I still miss regular treats.
For example, I love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, so I made these. I love donuts, so I made these. I LOVE truffles, hence this recipe. Chocolate muffins -- done. Chocolate chip cookies -- done and done.
Are you guys ready for this? I'm not sure if you are. But -- introducing paleo twix bars. I'm going to give you a minute to think about that.
Paleo. Twix. Bars. You are welcome.
Shortbread Crust:
- 2/3 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
- 3 tablespoons pure maple syrup
- 1/3 cup coconut oil, solid
- 1/2 cup creamy almond butter
- 1/3 cup pure maple syrup
- 1/3 cup coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
- 1/4 cup cocoa powder
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- 1/2 teaspoon flakey sea salt
- Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Grease a 8x8” square pan with coconut oil.
- Combine coconut flour and salt in a bowl. Add the maple syrup and stir until fully combined and crumbly.
- Add the room temperature coconut oil and mix until a large dough ball forms, pressing out any clumps of coconut oil. I used my hands at the end to bring the dough fully together.
- Press the dough into the prepared pan. Bake for 9-11 minutes, or until golden brown around the edges. Let cool completely.
- For the filling, combine all of the ingredients in a small saucepan and heat until all of the ingredients are melted and throughly combined. Pour over the crust and let cool in the refrigerator until set before topping with chocolate layer.
- For the chocolate topping, whisk together all of the ingredients and pour over the cooled caramel layer. Smooth evenly and sprinkle with flaky sea salt.
- Let cool until set. Slice into 1-inch slices, or 16 squares. Keep stored in the refrigerator.
Step 2 & 3: Make that delicious crust
Step 4: The perfect Twix crust
Step 5: The carmel twit center
Step 5: Try not to eat all the center first.
The final step: eat all the Twix bars.
Whats your favorite dessert? I definitely think these are my new favs! Enjoy everyone!
So maybe I didn't get interview by Vogue, but let's pretend shall we.
Do you guys know Kaeleen From With Dignity and Coffee? Oh, you dont? That sucks. She rocks. Okay, so I don't personally know her, but I know that I read her blog daily and I love what I read. She's honest, hilarious and I think if we knew each other, we'd be great friends.
Like Kaeleen, I love Tay Swift. Throw shade, roll your eyes, I don't care. I am a proud Taylor Swift fan and I would die to be in her #squad. That girl has mastered music and she's getting a lot better at displaying her life in the public eye and dating in general. Or maybe she's just not talking about it as much.
Anywayssss. In case you missed in, Vogue interviewed Taylor in her house which is awesome. Taylor answered 72 questions in 3 minutes. It's amazing.
I really wish someone was interviewing me in my mansion in New York, but instead I'll just pretend that Anna Wintour is interviewing me and I'm offering her coffee. Here are my answers to Vogue's 73 questions.
PS. I only counted 69. What's wrong with me.
1 // What's keeping you busy these days?
Fixing up our new house, binge watching the People v. OJ and planning for San Diego!
2 // What's the most exciting thing in life right now?
Do you guys know Kaeleen From With Dignity and Coffee? Oh, you dont? That sucks. She rocks. Okay, so I don't personally know her, but I know that I read her blog daily and I love what I read. She's honest, hilarious and I think if we knew each other, we'd be great friends.
Like Kaeleen, I love Tay Swift. Throw shade, roll your eyes, I don't care. I am a proud Taylor Swift fan and I would die to be in her #squad. That girl has mastered music and she's getting a lot better at displaying her life in the public eye and dating in general. Or maybe she's just not talking about it as much.
Anywayssss. In case you missed in, Vogue interviewed Taylor in her house which is awesome. Taylor answered 72 questions in 3 minutes. It's amazing.
I really wish someone was interviewing me in my mansion in New York, but instead I'll just pretend that Anna Wintour is interviewing me and I'm offering her coffee. Here are my answers to Vogue's 73 questions.
PS. I only counted 69. What's wrong with me.
1 // What's keeping you busy these days?
Fixing up our new house, binge watching the People v. OJ and planning for San Diego!
2 // What's the most exciting thing in life right now?
Packing for Coti's bachelorette party!
3 // What are you completely bored of in life right now?
The Kardashians.
4 // What is something that recently moved you?
All of the Prince tributes.
5 // How many guitars do you own?
Zero. Does my recorder from 2nd grade count?
6 // What's the first blog post you ever wrote?
The first blog post I wrote was in August 2009. I was a college senior and trying to figure out life. It's pretty "deep."
7 // What's the first thing you do when you get an idea for a post?
I have notes in my phone and I have an Everyday Grace notebook. I carry both with me and write down all ideas. Then I usually ask Adam if he thinks its a good idea
8 // What's your blog writing process?
It starts it my notebook or phone. Then I think about the pictures. Then when I get a wild hair, I write.
9 // What type of posts take you the least amount of time to write?
Recipes. It's usually just pictures, ingredients and some random story about how Adam loved it or hated it.
10 // Which ones take you the longest?
11 // Is this the room where you write?
I usually write in bed, on my laptop. Today I'm in the office.
12 // Who is your favorite teacher?
Professor Smith. She was my college newspaper editor, magazine advisor and my journalism teacher.
13 // If you could teach one subject in school, what would it be?
Journalism/English. I would make my kids read all the good books.
14 // What's your favorite beverage?
Coffee and wine.
15 // What's your favorite cocktail?
Wine and wine.
16 // What's your favorite food?
This literally changes every day. Yesterday it was pizza. Today, all I want is sushi. Tomorrow it will probably be hotdogs.
17 // What would you order at a drive-thru?
A spicy chicken sandwich. I prefer Wendys. Or, if I'm in Arizona, a cheeseburger from In' N' Out Burger.
18 // What was the best birthday cake you'd ever had?
Ice cream cake. Always. I don't eat cake.
19 // What was the last thing you baked?
Homemade Twix bars. They will be on the blog tomorrow!
20 // What one thing do you need to have in your fridge at any given time?
21 // What's one thing you still have from your childhood? baby blanket and my diaries. Don't judge, I'm sentimental.
22 // What's your favorite TV show of all time?
Friends. duh. Second, Sex and the City.
23 // Favorite TV show that currently on the air?
Grey's Anatomy. Slash, i LOVE all TV. Have you guys seen Life in Pieces. It's hilarious.
24 // What is your favorite movie?
Titanic and Girl Next Door.
25 // What was a movie that made you cry your eyes out?
Pretty much every movie. The Notebook.
26 // Why do you think people follow you on Instagram?
Because I'm honest and have a cute dog and husband.
27 // Have you ever googled yourself?
I have. Nothing super exciting.
28 // What do you think when you google yourself?
It proves how un-famous I am.
29 // If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Saving all the dogs.
30 // If you weren't a blogger, what would you be doing?
An attorney? Oh wait. I'd wanna be Jennifer Lawrence.
31 // Can you show me a really cool or bizarre talent?
Um. No.
32 // What's something you can't do?
I can't draw or sing. I can't draw a straight line with a ruler and I'm tone deaf.
33 // What's the best compliment you've ever received?
That I look like a fat Nicole Richi. Jk. That I'm a good friend.
34 // What's the best gift you've ever received?
My engagement ring.
35 // What's one habit you wish you could break?
Looking at my phone in bed.
36 // Do you have any nicknames?
K, Kris, Krist and Kristiana (thanks Adam).
37 // What surprises you the most about people?
Their kindness.
38 // What makes you laugh no matter what?
Adam, my dog and Coti. Oh and Face-timing my nephew and nieces.
39 // What does creativity mean to you?
Following your passion.
40 // I found out that Nicole Kidman swam with sharks. What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?
White water rafting in Switzerland.
41 // What's your favorite lyrics of all time?
Darling so it goes, some things are meant to be, Take my hand, take my whole life too -- Cause I can't help falling in love with you
42 // What's one blog post you wish you had written?
42 // What's one blog post you wish you had written?
All the ones that go viral.
43 // What's a favorite memory from the last five years?
Getting married, passing the bar and watching my sister and best friend become moms.
44 // Is taking outfit photos harder than it looks?
I'll let you know when I take one.
45 // What's one accomplishment you're most proud of?
Graduating law school and passing the bar.
46 // What's something you've always wanted to try but you are too scared to do?
47 // What's your spirit animal?
Jennifer Lawrence.
48 // If you could get on a plane right now and go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Grand Cayman. I'm dying for some sunshine and warmth.
49 // Any advice for someone who wants to become a blogger?
Be honest.
50 // Any pre-blogging rituals?
I watch TV or listen to music.
51 // What's the most difficult thing write to about and why?
My personal life and struggles.
52 // How many cats are in this room?
Zero, but theres a dog and a husband.
53 // If you were a dog, would you get along with your dog?
Maybe, he's pretty moody, but I can be too, so yeah totally.
54 // What's your favorite dog breed?
Yorkies, obvs.
55 // What's the coolest thing in this room?
55 // What's the coolest thing in this room?
My hubs and Henry.
56 // If you could raid one woman's closet, who would it be?
Blake Lively.
57 // What's your favorite fashion trend of all time?
58 // Besides your phone and wallet, what's a couple must have purse items?
Chapstick, floss and a nail file.
59 // Can you tell me what you'll be wearing tomorrow?
Um, I have court all day, so skirt and blazer.
60 // What did you want to do with your life at age 5?
I wanted to be a doctor. And then I saw someone else's blood and I lost my nerve.
61 // What do you wish you knew at 19?
Keep going.
62 // What won't you be doing in ten years?
I hope I won't be doubting myself.
63 // What do you think is the most important life lesson for someone to learn?
Keep going, be kind and love hard.
64 // What can you say in another language?
I can count to ten in German and speak verryyyyyyyyy few Italian words.
65 // What do you love most about the town where you grew up in?
Its where my family is.
66 // What's the bravest thing you've ever done?
Go to law school.
67 // Most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
Buy a dog.
68 // What's one goal you are determined to achieve in your lifetime?
Make real life money on this blog.
69 // What is your favorite scented candle?
All of the Jo Malone candles.
PS. Check out my new sponsor, Diana. She blogs over at Diana Elle Blog! Go show her all the love!
PS. Check out my new sponsor, Diana. She blogs over at Diana Elle Blog! Go show her all the love!

Oh, what a difference two years makes.
Today marks our two year anniversary of living in Denver! It's hard to believe that it's been that long, but then it also seems like we've always been here.
When I wrote this post one year ago, we weren't married, we were living in an apartment and we were still trying to get around without having to use google maps. While google maps is still heavily relied on today, we manage to get ourselves around pretty good without it!
I've learned a lot in our last two years in Denver. Most of it has to do with food or beverages, but still, I learned a lot. I think it's safe to say that going into year two, Adam and I finally feel like we belong here. It took us a while to find our groove, but we're here and we're happy.
Today marks our two year anniversary of living in Denver! It's hard to believe that it's been that long, but then it also seems like we've always been here.
When I wrote this post one year ago, we weren't married, we were living in an apartment and we were still trying to get around without having to use google maps. While google maps is still heavily relied on today, we manage to get ourselves around pretty good without it!
This last year has been so awesome. We got married! We honeymooned! We celebrated 10 years out of high school. We went to weddings. I had knee surgery. I failed. We grew. We bought a house! We traveled.
I've learned a lot in our last two years in Denver. Most of it has to do with food or beverages, but still, I learned a lot. I think it's safe to say that going into year two, Adam and I finally feel like we belong here. It took us a while to find our groove, but we're here and we're happy.
- I've learned that if you are craving chicken and waffles, you must go to Devil's Food in Wash Park.
- If you want to bring your dog to the mountains, the Doubletree in Breckenridge is amazing - they give you a Dog in Room sign, plus all the dog bones Henry could eat.
- If you want to buy a house, you should definitely use Jenelle at Supreme Realty Group.
- The weather is crazy in Denver and snow will fall on your Directv dish and it will break and you won't have TV for 5 days.
- Home Depot on a Saturday is fun when you're with your husband and trying to figure out what shower door liner is best. Answer - they don't sell your brand of shower door liner at Home Depot.
- The beer at Epic Brewing Company is the best. Try the Brainless on Peaches or Raspberries. You won't be sorry.
- I know my way to and from the airport better than most. That's what happens when you're taking flights to and from all the time.
- I can make better nachos then the ones they sell at Los Arcos. Sorry guys.
- Mr. Donuts has better donuts than Dunkin. Make sure you try the apple fritter.
- Always carry a coat. Once minute 75 degrees, one minute 35 degrees.
- Furniture stores going out of business makes for really great deals on furniture, but next time we'll rethink how we're going to get a 200 pound desk in the house with just Adam and I.
- If you're in the fast lane on I-25 during rush hour, you won't get there any faster than if you're walking.
- A blizzard that brings 17 inches of snow to your neighborhood does not close the Courts and you are still required to go to work. But shoveling is really fun.
- Just because you move, friendships still last. It just dates phone dates and surprise visits.
- If you want to entertain kids for an entire day, the children's museum is where it's at. And, it's even fun for adults.
- Joe at Budget Blinds is the best. He'll even come at 8:00 pm to install your blinds because he knows you hate living in a fish bowl.
- The bar tender at Cuba Cuba on Delaware Street serves the best mojitos. The bar tender at La Fogata serves the strongest margarita.
- The Dam Road is the best damn view in the city. Trust me, take a little drive.
- If you want a romantic dinner, go to Chiani in Greenwood Village. It's super intimate and has the best Italian food. Oh, and the wine, forget about it;
- I've learned that it's really hard to move when you're an adult. But I've always learned that when you start to embrace your city, it embraces you right back. Proud to be a Coloradoan.
Sometimes being an adult sucks. Bills, not sleeping until noon, working, bills.
Sometimes being an adult rocks. Your own house, time, money, life.
For example: adulting is fun when you buy your first house. Adulting is fun when you get to pick the vacations you go on, how you decorate your house and what time you go to bed. And, if you're like me, you go to bed at 8pm, so being an adult didn't change much there.
But sometimes being an adult sucks. Gone are the careless days of your dad doing your taxes, being carpooled to the 6th grade, complete with a lunch packed by your mom or your mom handing you $20 whole dollars to spend at the movies on Friday.
It's amazing what I took for granted in the 7th grade when my mom was ironing my clothes and making me pb&js.
Do you remember coming home from school and feeling stressed because you didn't read a book that was due. Now, here I am dying to have time to go home and read a book. Or when your biggest problem was when your mom forgot to wash your favorite skirt for school and you couldn't convince her that even though you wore a school uniform, that one, was different and you had to have it.
The good things about being an adult:
The bad things:
Sometimes being an adult rocks. Your own house, time, money, life.
For example: adulting is fun when you buy your first house. Adulting is fun when you get to pick the vacations you go on, how you decorate your house and what time you go to bed. And, if you're like me, you go to bed at 8pm, so being an adult didn't change much there.
But sometimes being an adult sucks. Gone are the careless days of your dad doing your taxes, being carpooled to the 6th grade, complete with a lunch packed by your mom or your mom handing you $20 whole dollars to spend at the movies on Friday.
It's amazing what I took for granted in the 7th grade when my mom was ironing my clothes and making me pb&js.
Do you remember coming home from school and feeling stressed because you didn't read a book that was due. Now, here I am dying to have time to go home and read a book. Or when your biggest problem was when your mom forgot to wash your favorite skirt for school and you couldn't convince her that even though you wore a school uniform, that one, was different and you had to have it.
The good things about being an adult:
- Last night I drank wine because I wanted too. And it wasn't illegal.
- I went shopping this weekend and didn't have to ask my mom for money.
- I stayed up late and no-one told me to go to bed, expect my inner voice, but I shushed him.
- I'm married.
- I have a great job.
- Today I created a spreadsheet outlining our monthly bills. That is like the least fun thing I've ever had to do. It's hard balancing 10 different bills, 10 different due dates and 10 different log ins to pay them. Sure auto-bill pay is cool, but bills in general are not. Hence a spreadsheet.
- Taking out the garbage. This stinks....
- Grocery shopping. Sometimes this is fun. But I usually do this on Sundays after church when I'm starving and the rest of the Denver-metro area is trying to get the same tomato I'm trying to get.
- Shoveling snow. Guys, Denver got 12 inches of snow this weekend. While it makes staying in a watching movies perfect, it requires a lot of shoveling so your dog can go to the bathroom.
- Getting gas. Yuck. My dad used to do this for me.
- Paying bills. What is worse than having to send money to people you don't even know. See #1 above.
- Ironing your clothes. My mom used to iron all my clothes, even my underwear. Let that sink in. She used to iron my sheets! What was I thinking moving out? Now ironing is my job. Thank goodness for the invention of the steamer.
- Getting out of bed. Is this hard for everyone? I'm literally dead in the morning. I just cannot be bothered with getting ready for work some days.
- Doing the dishes. even though I have a new dishwasher (whoo hoo adulting!) I hate putting dishes in it. It's the pits.
How to deal:
- I blog. There is no better release for me then talking to you guys. It revives me, inspires me and motivates me to be a better adult. Thanks for letting me ramble.
- I vent to my husband/Henry/friends/family. They might not enjoy my adulting release of energy, but I appreciate them more then they know.
- I pray. This is huge.
- I drink wine. This probably isn't the best coping method but guys, it works.
- I read other blogs. Seeing how other people cope is awesome.
- I go to Pure Barre. Working out, just getting out helps clear my mind and remind me how cool being an adult is.
So I guess adulting isn't that bad. While I really miss mid-day naps, I really love all the other cool things.
Plus, I have a cool hookup for you that will help you be an adult. Trust me, dealing with credit and bills suck. I mean, I'm a bankruptcy attorney, I know these things. But there is a cool website called Credit Card Insider. It's an educational resource regarding credit and credit cards. Their mission is to help people make solid decisions about credit.
I know when I first moved out I wasn’t thrilled about having all my bills due in the same week; I had no idea how paying them on time could affect my credit. It hasn’t been an easy transition, but its been totally worth it.
While you go check out Credit Card Insider, I'll be over here drinking wine and watching Friends. Because I can, because I'm adult.
While you go check out Credit Card Insider, I'll be over here drinking wine and watching Friends. Because I can, because I'm adult.
Happy Wednesday people, good luck adulting today! Ps. How do you adult?
It is a constant battle on Sundays trying to find the perfect cookie recipe for the week. I know what you're thinking, Come on Kristen, you're pathetic if that's your battle. #worldpeace #nodonaldtrump #theperfectselfie #byekardashes
Okay, okay, but hear me out. Paleo desserts are my thing. I love them. Adam loves them. And, when Sunday rolls around and we're meal planning for the week, Adam inevitably asks what paleo dessert I'm making.
Speaking of -- Isn't meal planning the worst? It's like packing. We sit there on Sunday and pick dinners for the entire week. I do this for 3 reasons; (1) weeks are so busy and it makes life easier if I know what I'm making, (2) it makes the grocery store trip much easier, (3) it saves us money. But -- it sucks.
How the heck am I supposed to know what I'm going to want to eat on Thursday, on Sunday.That's crazy. That's like saying I am for sure going to want to wear the black maxi on Saturday by the beach instead of the white romper. It's a ridiculous goal. It is definitely the major plight that comes with meal planning. Cost efficiency v. cravings. It's the eternal struggle. PS. Adam hates rompers so it wouldn't be the romper by the beach.
The part that gets me past all that --- is the meal planning for sweets. I always try to make at least one type of sweet for Adam. It makes all the boring meals a little better. And hey, sometimes the sweets craving is too much to handle. I can attest. I find it better to eat a mini paleo lemon nugget then stuff my face with the thin mints I have hiding in the pantry. I guess better is relative for everyone.
But hey, I cant blame Adam for wanting sweets, I make good desserts! This week was no different. These little paleo lemon cookie nuggets are exactly what the doctor ordered. They're sweet, a little tangy and perfect for a mid-day sugar craving. Ps. there are practically no ingredients. You're welcome.
Let's do this.
Okay, okay, but hear me out. Paleo desserts are my thing. I love them. Adam loves them. And, when Sunday rolls around and we're meal planning for the week, Adam inevitably asks what paleo dessert I'm making.
Speaking of -- Isn't meal planning the worst? It's like packing. We sit there on Sunday and pick dinners for the entire week. I do this for 3 reasons; (1) weeks are so busy and it makes life easier if I know what I'm making, (2) it makes the grocery store trip much easier, (3) it saves us money. But -- it sucks.
How the heck am I supposed to know what I'm going to want to eat on Thursday, on Sunday.That's crazy. That's like saying I am for sure going to want to wear the black maxi on Saturday by the beach instead of the white romper. It's a ridiculous goal. It is definitely the major plight that comes with meal planning. Cost efficiency v. cravings. It's the eternal struggle. PS. Adam hates rompers so it wouldn't be the romper by the beach.
The part that gets me past all that --- is the meal planning for sweets. I always try to make at least one type of sweet for Adam. It makes all the boring meals a little better. And hey, sometimes the sweets craving is too much to handle. I can attest. I find it better to eat a mini paleo lemon nugget then stuff my face with the thin mints I have hiding in the pantry. I guess better is relative for everyone.
Let's do this.
- 1 heaping cup cashew butter
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 1 tsp lemon zest
- pinch sea salt
- Preheat oven to 350.
- In a food processor, combine all the ingredients until smooth. If the batter seems too runny, just stick it in the fridge for a minute.
- Use a cookie scoop to form cookies and drop onto a lined baking sheet
- Bake for 12 minutes.
- Let these cool completely before removing them from the baking sheet. (They will feel soft -- they'll harden, promise).
- Enjoy!
Why is cashew butter so dang good? One of lifes little mysteries I presume.
Yes, yes, yes.
Happy Tuesday everyone. I hope it's full of delicious sweets and lemon nuggets.
My phone is kind of my life. Not like actually my life, but I love it. Currently my phone has 6,734 photos and 80 videos. 6,735, I just took a picture of my coffee cup.
If you looked at my phone, you'd think I have 7 kids, 13 dogs, that I live in 4 different states and that I'm putting together a book of random screenshots and recipes. You'd see 17 identical pictures of tulips that I made Adam retake because the stems didn't look right. You'd see Tomas' first steps, Isabel's videos she makes for "Uncle Adam and Aunt Kris" and you'd see the first picture of baby Caroline and baby Blakely.
If my phone crashed today I'd be out about 10 blog posts and I'd probably cry over my lost pictures. Well, not probably, I for sure would. Thank goodness for the cloud. I'm not really sure what it does, but I know it's up there watching over my pictures.
Another thing you'll notice about my phone, there isn't 1 notification, unread email, message or voicemail. Call it the ocd in me, but I cannot handle those little red 1's. They make me crazy.
99% of these I've shared with my best friends. I'm either tagging them on Instagram or sending them screenshots. Some are inappropriate, but I'm sharing a few of the ones that aren't below!
If you looked at my phone, you'd think I have 7 kids, 13 dogs, that I live in 4 different states and that I'm putting together a book of random screenshots and recipes. You'd see 17 identical pictures of tulips that I made Adam retake because the stems didn't look right. You'd see Tomas' first steps, Isabel's videos she makes for "Uncle Adam and Aunt Kris" and you'd see the first picture of baby Caroline and baby Blakely.
If my phone crashed today I'd be out about 10 blog posts and I'd probably cry over my lost pictures. Well, not probably, I for sure would. Thank goodness for the cloud. I'm not really sure what it does, but I know it's up there watching over my pictures.
And yes, that's my adorable nephew oh my background.
Another thing you'll notice about my phone, there isn't 1 notification, unread email, message or voicemail. Call it the ocd in me, but I cannot handle those little red 1's. They make me crazy.
99% of these I've shared with my best friends. I'm either tagging them on Instagram or sending them screenshots. Some are inappropriate, but I'm sharing a few of the ones that aren't below!
Jennifer Lawrence is my spirit animal. I want/need to be best friends with her.
And this joke is even better now that Liam and Miley are back together.
This just cracks me up. This went around in our family group text last fourth of July.
Quotes are my favorite things to screenshot. Especially this one.
Maybe this makes me vain, but some snapchat filters just have to be screen-shotted.
This dress. Lauren Scruggs. I love her and everything about her.
Because this is funny. And it makes me feel crazy when I see how low my battery is.
And yes, if it's less than half, I consider my battery low.
What would I find on your phone? Jokes, quotes, pictures of babies that aren't yours? Share in the comments below!
There are a few things I cannot get enough of lately. You might call them a bit of an obsession, but I call it good old infatuation.
- Henry James. Today is his 7th birthday! Seven. Some people would say I'm too young to have a seven year old dog, but I just laugh and say thanks. He's my little gentleman and today he's taking a trip to Petsmart to pick out all the toys. Happy Birthday Henry!
- The People v. OJ Simpson. Back before the Kardashes were anyone more than four little kids with a non-famous/non-practicing attorney father. Adam and I are only two episodes in, but we're pretty enthralled. I love it because I was only 6 when this happened. I vaguely remember sitting in my kitchen watching this white Blazer drive on busy freeways. So, as realistic or non-realistic as this is, I love it.
- Chicken and White wine. I asked Adam what I can't get enough of lately and this is his response. He said chicken because every meal I've made this week was chicken something and white wine because duh. I can't totally disagree, but I plan Pinterest. When I was meal planning Sunday everything I looked for that looked good was chicken. Sooooo sue me.
- Blogging. I've kind of been lacking on this, due entirely to lack of motivation. But in the last couple days I've had some random spurt of motivation and am pumped for some future posts. Get excited people.
- Home Projects. I want to spend all my time at either home, Home Depot or The Container Store. I have no many ideas for different places in our house, furniture ideas, ect. I want to start planting everything pretty in my backyard. I want to buy some new furniture. I'm so proud of this house of ours.
- Babies. Baby Caroline and Baby Blakely. Plus everyone else in my life that is having babies. I'm obsessed with being an aunt. Don't worry this isn't a baby announcement. I'm just obsessed with everyone elses kid.
- Not listening to my alarm. This is another Adam suggestion. Guys, I agree with this. I've had the hardest time getting out of bed this week. The alarm goes off and I completely ignore it. What is happening, I'm usually such a morning person.
- Snapchat. No shame, I love it. I watch it all the time. I watch it before bed, when I wake up, when I'm at work I love it. Follow me --- kgrace01. Whats your snap name?!
What are you guys obsessed with lately?
Jewelry is a girls best accessory. Jewelry that gets delivered to your front door once a month to wear at your leisure is a girls best best friend.
Rocksbox is the monthly subscription box where you literally get beautiful pieces of jewelry delivered to your house once a month. You get to wear the jewelry as much as you want and then when you're ready for a new piece, you send it back!
The best part? If you love it, you can buy it and at a discount!
I started getting Rocksbox last month and let me tell you, it's the best subscription box I've ever gotten. I've gotten cool subscription boxes before but the thing I like about this subscription box is that it's useful. I mean, as much as I love mini bottles of random face cream that I'll never order, this is jewelry that I'll wear.
The four pieces I got this month are so pretty I do not want to return them! But, I really want to show you all the beautiful jewelry Rocksbox has to offer, so I'll send it back...eventually. Guys, I have literally have this first Rocksbox for over a month, I don't want to return it! I wear these necklaces allllllll the time.
Another cool part? When you sign up, you make a profile for yourself, answer some questions and then your stylist pairs the perfect jewelry for you. I cannot wait to show you the cool pieces I got this month!
You probably wonder why I'm bragging about awesome jewelry. Well it's because I have awesome news for you!
If you go to you can get ONE MONTH FREE if you use promo code kgrace01xoxo - I mean.... how rad is that.
One month of free jewelry. Share it with your mom, sister, friends -- do it!
People, that doesn't happen every day. What are you still doing here? Go, run to Rocksbox and sign up! I promise you will not be disappointed!
Rocksbox is the monthly subscription box where you literally get beautiful pieces of jewelry delivered to your house once a month. You get to wear the jewelry as much as you want and then when you're ready for a new piece, you send it back!
The best part? If you love it, you can buy it and at a discount!
I started getting Rocksbox last month and let me tell you, it's the best subscription box I've ever gotten. I've gotten cool subscription boxes before but the thing I like about this subscription box is that it's useful. I mean, as much as I love mini bottles of random face cream that I'll never order, this is jewelry that I'll wear.
The four pieces I got this month are so pretty I do not want to return them! But, I really want to show you all the beautiful jewelry Rocksbox has to offer, so I'll send it back...eventually. Guys, I have literally have this first Rocksbox for over a month, I don't want to return it! I wear these necklaces allllllll the time.
Another cool part? When you sign up, you make a profile for yourself, answer some questions and then your stylist pairs the perfect jewelry for you. I cannot wait to show you the cool pieces I got this month!
First, it comes in this adorable little box.
Second, its completely personalized.
Third, you get jewelry like these Kendra Scott earnings and this Gorjana gold necklace.
Fourth: This Gorjana DIY necklace with V chain. I'm seriously obsessed.
Last, but not least. THIS Sophie Harper curve pave diamond necklace. I need it to be mine forever.
The best little box I've ever seen.
You probably wonder why I'm bragging about awesome jewelry. Well it's because I have awesome news for you!
If you go to you can get ONE MONTH FREE if you use promo code kgrace01xoxo - I mean.... how rad is that.
One month of free jewelry. Share it with your mom, sister, friends -- do it!
People, that doesn't happen every day. What are you still doing here? Go, run to Rocksbox and sign up! I promise you will not be disappointed!
This goes back to Easter weekend. If you missed my story (& delicious cookie recipe) go check it out, I promise, Adams continued hilarity will not disappoint.
Once we got Directv figured out and the cookies made, it was time to focus on dinner.
To start this story, let's go back a bit. My mom has always made rack of lamb on Easter. Instead of the usual ham, my family's "usual" Easter dinner is rack of lamb. When I was little I used to call it lamb legs, which is a bit concerning, but delicious none-the-less.
When we figured out we would be staying home for Easter, I knew I needed to make it special, for Adam and I both. Rack of lamb it was. My mama sent the recipe and I was off to the market to buy a rack of lamb.
Adam and I went in to the market, ordered one rack of lamb and headed to the checkout. $80 later. $80. Eighty dollars. Is that shocking to anyone else? Adam declared that the pressure was on and that we should become best friends with Tony at the market to avoid having to finance our rack of lamb.
I called my mama, got the technique and thought I was prepared for rack of lamb. I read the recipe, got my meat thermometer out, made the rub and I was ready.
The meat thermometer hit the "recommended temperature" and when I checked, the meat was raw. I called my mom. "Keep cooking it."
15 minutes later, the rack of lamb was still raw. I called my mom. "Keep cooking it."
10 minutes later, it was done and SO delicious.
I wish I could describe the flavor. It's legit the best thing I've ever eaten ever. Besides the carrot cake I made for dessert. Wow. Rack of lamb is the most delicious and here's the recipe. PS - - this recipe is for 2 racks of lamb, so either cut the ingredient in half or be prepared to throw some away.
Once we got Directv figured out and the cookies made, it was time to focus on dinner.
To start this story, let's go back a bit. My mom has always made rack of lamb on Easter. Instead of the usual ham, my family's "usual" Easter dinner is rack of lamb. When I was little I used to call it lamb legs, which is a bit concerning, but delicious none-the-less.
When we figured out we would be staying home for Easter, I knew I needed to make it special, for Adam and I both. Rack of lamb it was. My mama sent the recipe and I was off to the market to buy a rack of lamb.
Adam and I went in to the market, ordered one rack of lamb and headed to the checkout. $80 later. $80. Eighty dollars. Is that shocking to anyone else? Adam declared that the pressure was on and that we should become best friends with Tony at the market to avoid having to finance our rack of lamb.
I called my mama, got the technique and thought I was prepared for rack of lamb. I read the recipe, got my meat thermometer out, made the rub and I was ready.
The meat thermometer hit the "recommended temperature" and when I checked, the meat was raw. I called my mom. "Keep cooking it."
15 minutes later, the rack of lamb was still raw. I called my mom. "Keep cooking it."
10 minutes later, it was done and SO delicious.
I wish I could describe the flavor. It's legit the best thing I've ever eaten ever. Besides the carrot cake I made for dessert. Wow. Rack of lamb is the most delicious and here's the recipe. PS - - this recipe is for 2 racks of lamb, so either cut the ingredient in half or be prepared to throw some away.
- 2 racks of lamb
- salt and pepper
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
- 2 tablespoons fresh thyme, chopped
- 1 cup breadcrumbs
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
- Position the oven rack in the middle of the oven and heat the oven to 475 degrees.
- Season the lamb with salt and pepper.
- Combine the garlic, parsley, thyme and breadcrumbs in a shallow bowl.
- Moisten the mixture with enough olive oil to make the mixture hold tighter.
- Heat a large dry skillet over high heat. Put the lamb, meat side down, in the skillet. With tongs, hold the lamb against the skillet for a minute to give it a nice brown curst.
- Turn the meat to sear it on all sides for a total of 4 minutes. Remove the meat from the skillet and paint the meaty side of the rack with the mustard.
- Roll the meat in the herb mixture to coat it. Sear and coat the second rack the same way.
- Transfer the racks of lamb to the roasting pan just large enough to hold them.
- Cover the rib bones with strips of foil so they don't burn.
- Roast until medium rare, 20 to 25 minutes (125 internal temperature).
- If you want it crispier, broil for 2-4 minutes.
- Let racks rest for 5 minutes before carving.
Step 2, 5 & 9
Step 5 & 6
Step 7 & 8
"I'm upset." Let's be honest, that's never the way you want a phone conversation to start. Coti was calling to tell me she was upset I wasn't coming into Arizona for an engagement party for mutual friends of ours.
Now, let me explain. We had planned on coming but in the busyness and expense of life, Adam and I decided we couldn't make it. I apologized to Coti and moved on. Next came the phone call from my mom, "I wish you were coming." Well, as much as I wanted to go to the party, I stood firm.
Then, last Monday, Whitney called, baby Blakely had arrived. 6 pounds, 8 ounces and 20 inches long. The long awaited arrival and she was here.
Then it hit me, not only will I not see my family until July, nor see Blakley until June and miss the engagement party of two very close friends, I decided to venture to to see what they had to offer. $11.20 later, I was booked on a flight to Arizona for 18 hours.
Needless to say, it was a whirlwind.. and a wonderful whirlwind at that.
3:35 am: The morning had started.
4:30 am: I was en route to the airport.
7:00 am: One americano from Cartel coffee and Coti's fiance, Matt picked me up. I walked into Coti's house and her room and as she woke up she just stared at me. Breakfast and multiple cups of coffee later, we were in route to surprise my parents.
10:00 am: "What the hell are you doing here/?" was my moms response followed by big hugs and another cup of coffee.
11:30 am: Time to go meet baby Blakley. How wonderful to see your best friend becoming a mom. It was an hour spent taking pictures, cooing and enjoying time with the girls.
2:00 pm: Time to surprise dad. Back to the house we went. A couple hours spent enjoying the afternoon with my family. Tom, Camila and Tomás stopped by and we just enjoyed each other company. I'm so lucky for such a great family.
6:00 pm: Time to celebrate the engagement of two very good friends of mine and their love. What a wonderful celebration watching two families come together. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about their love. I cant wait to watch them get married. 4 glasses of wine later it was time to head to the airport.
9:00 pm and a flight delay. If flight delays when the airport is shutting down isn't the worst thing I'm not sure what is. I met some ladies who were there at a makeup convention selling towels that take your makeup off. I wish i was lying. A full convention devoted to makeup removal towels. I need a career change.
11:45 pm: Two more glasses of wine and I was almost on my way.
I made it home eventually after a whirlwind 18 hours. While I don't always recommend one day travels I always recommend spending more time with family and friends, that is something you'll never regret.
Now, let me explain. We had planned on coming but in the busyness and expense of life, Adam and I decided we couldn't make it. I apologized to Coti and moved on. Next came the phone call from my mom, "I wish you were coming." Well, as much as I wanted to go to the party, I stood firm.
Then, last Monday, Whitney called, baby Blakely had arrived. 6 pounds, 8 ounces and 20 inches long. The long awaited arrival and she was here.
Then it hit me, not only will I not see my family until July, nor see Blakley until June and miss the engagement party of two very close friends, I decided to venture to to see what they had to offer. $11.20 later, I was booked on a flight to Arizona for 18 hours.
Needless to say, it was a whirlwind.. and a wonderful whirlwind at that.
3:35 am: The morning had started.
4:30 am: I was en route to the airport.
7:00 am: One americano from Cartel coffee and Coti's fiance, Matt picked me up. I walked into Coti's house and her room and as she woke up she just stared at me. Breakfast and multiple cups of coffee later, we were in route to surprise my parents.
10:00 am: "What the hell are you doing here/?" was my moms response followed by big hugs and another cup of coffee.
11:30 am: Time to go meet baby Blakley. How wonderful to see your best friend becoming a mom. It was an hour spent taking pictures, cooing and enjoying time with the girls.
2:00 pm: Time to surprise dad. Back to the house we went. A couple hours spent enjoying the afternoon with my family. Tom, Camila and Tomás stopped by and we just enjoyed each other company. I'm so lucky for such a great family.
6:00 pm: Time to celebrate the engagement of two very good friends of mine and their love. What a wonderful celebration watching two families come together. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about their love. I cant wait to watch them get married. 4 glasses of wine later it was time to head to the airport.
9:00 pm and a flight delay. If flight delays when the airport is shutting down isn't the worst thing I'm not sure what is. I met some ladies who were there at a makeup convention selling towels that take your makeup off. I wish i was lying. A full convention devoted to makeup removal towels. I need a career change.
11:45 pm: Two more glasses of wine and I was almost on my way.
I made it home eventually after a whirlwind 18 hours. While I don't always recommend one day travels I always recommend spending more time with family and friends, that is something you'll never regret.
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