After that I got to spend a fun-filled week, getting a new dog Henry, spending time with my family and enjoying Arizona. "There's no place like home." After a great Fathers Day, I ventured back to California for a week in the ocean-kissed air and soaked in everything Malibu. I forgot how absolutely breath-taking Malibu is, I know I've only been gone for a little over a month but from that first look at the ocean after coming through the tunnel on the I-10 to the view seen from campus, it really is a diamond in the rough. From the second I got into Malibu it was a whirlwind of events. Visiting friends all over the 27 mile stretch that is Malibu - I was never bored to say the least. I was lucky enough to spend the week with Kate & Kate. After wine nights, movie nights, wine tasting, Taco Tuesday, the Whiskey and more pictures than ever, we all realized how blessed we are to have each other. Granted we've all only been friends for the past six months, we've grown close regardless of time & place. We're not together every day, we don't get to see each other all the time (besides Skype dates) but we have made a friendship that works. It's one of the most comforting feelings to know that regardless of how hard it might be to maintain, I know at the end of the day these two girls are here. Leaving college I knew I'd lose touch with some people, I knew I wouldn't talk to or see people like I used too, but I'm ecstatic to know that Kate & Kate are two girls that won't disappear, like so many others have. This trip was exactly what I needed.
It was my Malibu-closure that, for the last 6 weeks, I've been desperately trying so hard to find. I think for a lot of people who graduate it's hard to officially say goodbye to something that has become such a huge part of us. For some, closure is found in a new job or a new relationship. For me, it was going back to the place I missed the most, soak it in, remember it for everything I loved about it and leave knowing I'll be back soon. It's hard, but you can't be afraid of everything you don't know.
I think this video shows the effect Michael Jackson had on his fans. This is my (and Coti!)'s favorite MJ song of all time - You are not alone. Enjoy.
We love you too.
"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will." -Chuck PalahniukThe King of Pop and America's #1 Pin-up died today and I think it's safe to say that they both created something that will live forever. Michael Jackson is and will always be the American Dream and a musical icon. His music transcended the ages and although he may no longer be with us, his music will continue to inspire. No one does the moonwalk quite like Michael.
Farrah Fawcett isn't your typical blond bombshell. While she may be the most sought after pinup of the 1970's she had more to offer than big curls and a pretty smile. She proved her talent throughout the years in a variety of movies, TV shows and of course her Playboy covers. The courage she showed in the final stages of her life is a testament to all.
"For you are not alone for I am here with you. Though you're far away I am here to stay. For you are not alone for I am here with you. Though we're far apart You're always in my heart.For you are not alone..."
“You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.”
“Have you ever, in your life, had hours, or days, or even weeks when all your ordinary activities provoked a rather agonizing discomfort, and when everything you usually consider important and worthwhile seemed silly and worthless? When you didn’t know what to do or where to turn? When you vaguely felt that somewhere, sometime, a desire transcending the sphere of earthly pleasure might be fulfilled, and you grew silent about everything around you the way a child brought up too strictly dares not express himself at all? When the spirit filled your heart with longing for an unknown something hovering everywhere you went, in transparent shapes that fled from closer scrutiny like an ephemeral dream? When you crept around with sad looks like a forlorn lover, and all the things you saw people doing in life’s gay, colorful tumult incited neither sorrow nor joy, as if you no longer belonged to this world?”
— The Golden Pot
The folks at Pixar helped a dying girl fulfill her final wish when one of their employees hand delivered a DVD of the film Up to the family's residence for a private screening.
always praying, always caring, always there.10-year-old Colby Curtin was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in December 2005, and ever since she saw a preview for Up, she'd been excited for the poignant film about a man who goes on an adventure after the loss of his wife by tying balloons to his house and flying away.
After the family had made a request that was never fulfilled for a wheelchair to take Colby to the theaters, a family friend began frantically calling Pixar as Colby's health dramatically worsened. Finally the friend got through the automated messaging system by guessing a name. Pixar immediately sent out an employee to the girl's home in Huntington Beach armed with a DVD of the film and a gift basket of toys. The family sat around to a private screening. Colby had difficulty keeping her eyes open through the film because of the pain she was in, so her mother narrated it to her.
Colby died 7 hours later and we hope her final moments were that much more comfortable for having her final wish granted!
Rest in peace, little angel.
“Deep down, everyone wants to believe they can be hardcore. But being hardcore isn’t just about being tough. It’s about acceptance. Sometimes you have to give yourself permission to not be hardcore for once. You don’t have to be tough every minute of every day. It’s okay to let down your guard. In fact there are moments when it’s the best thing you can possibly do… as long as you choose your moments wisely."
Meredith Grey
Johann Von Goethe
"My experience has shown me that the people who are exceptionally good in business aren't so because of what they know but because of their insatiable need to know more." - Michael GerberIt's so true. there is this inherent sense and desire for constant knowledge. It's so easy to become complacent, content with what you know. and as a 21 year old i think i know everything, right? Especially now, I'm a college graduate, with a decent degree and it would be very easy (or has become easy) for me to be home, and learning nothing. It would become very easy for me to never grow and to be content with exactly where I am. But even in this down time, it is obvious how important it is for me to continue my quest for knowledge. Because the second I stop learning... is the second I stop growing.
But you give me one good reason
to fight and never walk away
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