Oh hey friends! How the heck are ya? I know, I've been MIA. If you're wondering why, I'll be spilling the details later this week, so stay tuned. But, little by little, I plan on catching you up.
Two weekends ago, I spent the weekend in Michigan helping my mom and dad pack up my grandmother and grandfathers house. They are getting old, despite me praying otherwise, and needed to move in where they could have some help. Is there anything worse than watching grandparents get old? Ugh, I don't think so. Anyways, we spent the weekend, sorting through clothes, dishes, pictures and tons of books.
One of the things my grandmother has that is nearest and dearest to my heart is her piano. It's her mother's piano and is the cutest little wall piano you've ever seen. It's gorgeous. She always had it full of sheet music and I can remember her playing on it. She is an incredible piano player.
The piano is the one thing I was hoping we could save. Sure, we got pictures and some china, but this piano is one of my favorite memories of my grandmother. The only problem? The piano is in Michigan, I am in Denver and the rest of my family is in Arizona. Unfortunately after all the sorting, the piano did not make the cut. Turns out, shipping a piano costs wayyyy more than it's worth.
We then tried to figure out what we could do with this piano. Donate it, give it away, have someone come pick it up? We really wanted this piano to go someplace where it was wanted. Ideally, a school or a church. That's when I found this amazing charity Sing for Hope. It's absolutely incredible. This charity is based in NYC and wasn't available for my grandmothers piano, but it's helping so many others in the process.
This New York City based charitable organization is accepting pianos and more for under resourced schools and neighborhoods. Sing For Hope's
donate piano NYC drive is ongoing with plans to expand beyond this organization's target areas. This well liked and appreciated group believes that the wonder of the arts is a given right for all individuals. New York City has phenomenal arts programs and shows. It is sad that some residents within this huge metropolis do not have opportunities to enjoy the arts or play an instrument. This volunteer organization is striving hard to change this lack of available music and arts programs.
School children are ecstatic when this organization provides their school with a fabulous piano. The organization works closely with many volunteer artists working within the city limits. These music and art volunteers put on performances and give valuable instruction to people ordinarily left out of such rewarding arts opportunities. The organization pairs amateur and well-known professionals proficient in some art category volunteers with needy New York City inhabitants. These performances and classes are available in many schools, nursing homes, hospitals and other places to the sheer delight of the recipients.
Sing For Hope is reaching countless new music and art lovers every day. The donated pianos are usually painted in vivid designs and colors by talented artists. Some pianos are placed in high-volume areas during special event drives to promote this organization's worthy causes. Many volunteers are involved, and the volunteers often reflect that they get back something far more valuable from their volunteer service. Any art form is desired, and these include various instrument players, actors/actresses from little known to Broadway shows fame and talented singers in every musical genre. This includes opera, jazz, blues, folk and country. It even includes rock and various alternative music styles.
It is refreshing to see so much compassion from many New York City residents lending time, talent or monetary funds. This sense of shared community is one reason why this program is so popular. When individuals living in gang territories and isolated nursing home resident get a chance to experience and express an art form that they are interested in makes all of the hard work pay off. Since the arts programs are typically the first thing that educational institutions cut out when budgets are tight, the organization tries to fill the gap with excellent music and art programs and performing arts classes.
The organization's founders never dreamed that their simple music and arts propelled services would grow to become a massive outreach program. Sing For Hope is constantly looking for new ways to promote the joys and satisfaction of their volunteer efforts. More New York City residents are now able to take advantage of Sing For Hope's many outreach fine arts programs. It is hoped that they will remain a powerful voice of love and community spirit for many years to come.
In keeping with their mission statement, Sing For Hope strives to create arts programs that will uplift and totally transform recipients lives forever. The smiles and appreciated thanks from these individuals is worth so much to those that have volunteered. Sing For Hope is continuing their piano donation drive to extend their program's long reach into forgotten areas.
Happy Tuesday Friends. I hope it's the best ever.
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