It's Britney Bitch!

April 17, 2009

Last night was the best night ever. Coti and I went to the BRITNEY concert - best concert ever. She danced the night away and we danced right along with her. I don’t like believing the rumor that she lip syncs, so I’m just going to believe that she’s actually singing. The entire hour and a half that she was on stage I was in complete awe as I stood (well, danced) and just watched her.

Like in my August post (click here) I told you so.

We grabbed hot dogs and a Stella (shout out Beav!) and took our seats. We sat by these fabulous gay guys who bought us beer all night and sang along with us. Then we went to Katana with Syd, Ali and Manelay, got the best sushi and then Coti and I made our way to Hustler Hollywood. Overall, it was such an amazing night and I could not have been happier that Coti was there to share that with me.


So, the other night something happened - and it was completely unintentional, but in one moment it changed everything. For a while I was on the fence, and then all it took was one instant and it really changed the way I viewed this person. The hard thing is, is that even though he proved, yet again, that he just sucks, its still hard. I don’t want to be done. I want him to prove himself, I want him to be the better person, but he’s not, and I really dont think he wants to be the better person. It really makes you think about everything you do, because if everything can change in a minute, then we have to be careful to make sure we’re really living those moments and making every minute count.

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