Friday Favorites!

April 3, 2015

These are a few of my favorite things. Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have some fun plans for the weekend! If not, maybe try some of my favorite things. I promise you'll enjoy every last one.
  • This Ellie Goulding cover (see below!) She is incredible. I'm currently fan-girling on her. Enjoy, enjoy. 
  • These Roni-Sue Dark Chocolate Pretzels. Is there anything better than sweet and salty? 
  • These beach bags I'm craving for my honeymoon. 
  • These delicious champagne cocktails.
  • This salad. If your mouth isn't watering looking at it... well, sors.  
  • This baby room. Don't worry this isn't an announcement, this is a cute baby room. Friends "trying," take note. 
  • This quote. 


  1. Oh Wow! Great list! Those s'mores bars look crazy delicious and I definitely need to make them soon!

  2. Um. I'm thinking those bacon, pepperjack scones would end up in my Friday Fav's too (if I did them). Holy crap they look good.

  3. Ok that eyebrow post had me rolling. "They’re like The CW of my face: not really that interesting, not critically praised, but something to watch if you get bored." Gold.

  4. I love these Friday Favorites and am a huge fan of Ellie Goulding...perfection!


I love hearing from all of you and greatly appreciate all your feedback and comments! xx Kristen