July 27, 2018

Has it hit anyone else that July is over in 5 days? 5 days people! It's almost August. 151 days until Christmas. 158 days until 2019. I haven't done a Thankful Friday in a long time and it's time. There are a lot of things going on in the world, good, bad, ugly and it's so important to look to the good. 

There are so many good things going on. But I love looking at the little things. The small things that go unnoticed but have a huge impact. Not the winning the lottery things (don't get me wrong, it'd be nice) but the little moments on a Sunday afternoon that make the week better, the text from a friend checking in, ya know the sweet stuff.

Let's take the time and be a little extra thankful today.

ONE // This weekend in Steamboat Springs. This weekend Adam and my in-laws and I are heading up to Steamboat Springs to celebrate Adam's birthday! 

TWO // My husbandIt's his birthday this weekend and I'm feeling especially grateful for my handsome devil of a hubs. 

THREE // 46 daysThe amount of days left until we meet baby girl!

FOUR // One Tree Hill. If you've been following along, you know sleep isn't coming easy to me lately. Thankfully, Hulu has One Tree Hill and it's something I've been watching late night when the whole rest of my house is asleep. 

FIVE // Amazon Prime.  Guys, I had a bit of a freakout last week when I realized we didn't have diapers or a second car seat base. Like, I have 10,000 outfits for babygirl but when she poops her pants, I was in trouble. Thankfully, Amazon Prime sends monthly diapers to me and baby girl. Thank heavens. 

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