We all know the feeling.
You've run out of deodorant and it only requires a quick stop at Target. You tell your husband you'll be back before Quinn wakes up from her nap. You grab your purse and you're out the door.
But the second you smell that recycled Target air, things instantly change. You tell yourself grabbing a quick coffee will actually help you be more productive. You grab a cart because your "purse is heavy" and it'll actually make you get to the deodorant aisle faster if you don't have to carry it. A quick spin down the home goods is just for browsing because you heard Magnolia has some new items.
Christmas decor is still on sale, so now you're just being a thrifty shopper, saving money for next year you tell yourself. Smelling candles is good for your soul, so is quickly trying on all the new sandals. Then you find yourself in a dressing room. You don't know how you got there. Now you need bins to organize #newyearnewyou. I have been thinking about changing the guest bedroom bedding, a quick look won't hurt.
All of a sudden, one stick of deodorant turns into 3 hours of mindless wandering, 13 missed calls from your husband, your black out from the real world ends and suddenly your cart is full and you've spent $200. It's unexplainable, no-one knows how it happens, and honestly I'm not sure I want to know.
This last time, it was for a birthday card. Literally an hour later, I found myself with 10 outfits in the dressing room, needing almost every outfit I tried on. I figured I can't be the only person who falls into this dilemma, so what's the solution? A try on sesh. Maybe this time, instead of running to Target, you can shop from your phone. One less Target run? Do it for all the husbands out there.
These are some of my favorite outfits from my try-on. Plus at the end, a link to the little extras I found. Because, like I said, those candles won't smell themselves, and the sandals won't try themselves on.
I'm currently a sucker for anything soft. And I love this color. I'm wearing a medium and honestly it's so cozy. Oh and did I tell ya its on sale for under $20! Shop it here!
I'm trying to branch out in my church gear and not just wear black sweater dresses. This was a little big on me, but honestly I love the button down, cinched waist. It would be so cute with wedges and perfect for spring. Shop it here!
I'm usually a sucker for anything denim. This may be my exception to that rule. I can't tell if I love it or hate it. Honestly, if I had a tan, I'd probably wear it. It would be v cute for summer. Also, it has pockets. Win. Of course this one is out, but here are a few other options! Shop here, here, and here!

I'm currently living in anything cozy, didn't I already mention that? Yes, I know these two pieces don't match, but they are both equally comfy. Like, the best ever. Wear them together, wear them apart, thank me later. Shop the top here. Shop the bottoms here.
Another matching set? You bet. This one makes me feel all kinds of fancy. Shop the top here. Shop the bottom here.
All the little extras:
I love my Birkenstocks. I love these more because they're cheaper. Shop them here!
Usually I don't love artificial flowers, but I can't seem to keep flowers alive right now since its so dang cold. I bought a bundle of these and they really brighten my kitchen. Plus, they are $4.99 each. Shop them here.
I'm really loving this Versed eye cream. This mama has bags. Shop it here!
I love candles. I really love these ones. Shop the birch scent here and the cardamon scent here.
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