If you've been following me on social media, you know that one of my best friends and I are starting the #everydaygracegallonchallenge.
The way the challenge works is simple --> drink a gallon of water a day, post your pics on Instagram (with the hashtag above), share your results, share your thoughts. Seems simple enough right? Just to put it in perspective, a gallon is 4 Nalgene water bottles. FOUR.
One reason I was super excited to start this challenge was due to some dizziness I was having. Let me stop you there, I am not pregnant. I woke up one morning so dizzy I could barely stand. After a week of this, I went to the doc, and she told me I was slightly dehydrated. My first thought, how was this possible? When I really thought about it, I realized I really only drink water before bed. Coffee in the AM, la croix for lunch, wine and water dinner, water before bed. Apparently that isn't enough. Three weeks of being very conscious of my water intake and the dizziness was gone. I was sold. Then Callie told me about the water challenge and here we are people.
- Toxin release: Especially needed after this long labor day weekend.
- No more dehydrated skin: aka your wrinkles and fine lines will be filled in more. Sunspots can even start to fade (because they can also come from dehydration)
- Lessening of cravings: Meaning you are fuller longer and with less food. Less of a craving for snacking. Did you know 70% of the time we think we are hungry, we are actually dehydrated?
- Clearer skin: yes please!
- Clearer pee: This kind of goes with number one, but keep those kidneys clean and help them do their job.
- Less constipation and better digestion: cute right?
- Helps energize your muscles! Working out a ton but not drinking a ton? This will help with your workouts!
- Helps with headaches, migraines and moods:
- Beats bad breath: Gotta love this.
Some benefits aren't pretty, but dang, it will be helpful. Callie and I have also been super stressed with work (& Lola) so we've seen some more breakout than usual. Time to get rid of those!
In a month of drinking a gallon of water, here is what we should see:
- Week 1: All of our toxins will come to the surface. And the worst part, our skin might get worse. It's normal because our skin is releasing all the toxins built up in our body.
- Week 2: Week two will be easier than week one. We will feel much more awake and have fewer cravings for sugar or salt or whatever our cravings are. I'm excited for this because I crave salt like you wouldn't believe. I've excited to see how this much water curbs my cravings.
- Week 3: By this point, our skin should really start to clear. Our dark circles should fade and we should sleep better. And for the non-pretty part of water drinking, when we wake up and go to the bathroom, our pee should be nowhere are dark as it is.
- Week 4: Drinking a gallon just became a habit (21 days) and it should feel like second nature for us to drink this much. It's our new normal! Clear skin, clear pee, cannot lose.
Here's what I can promise. A weekly blogpost every week documenting what we've seen, what's changed, how we feel. Also, I know this is weird, but we're going to track how many times we pee.
Feel free to join the challenge. It's time for a challenge that's good for our bod. Let's do this people. Tag your gallons/glasses or bottles on Instagram using the hashtag #everydaygracegallonchallenge.
I am so, so bad with this and need to be better. I can't really put my finger on why I don't drink enough water throughout the day but it's a combo of laziness, being busy at work and in and out of meetings, and honestly? Just forgetting. But these perks are incredible and I NEED to be better. Thanks for the motivation!
Love this! I will do this alongside you as I try to drink more water this month anyways!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great challenge, but I do have to say I already drink a gallon a day and I'd agree to all the benefits!! I still pee what feels like a million times a day, and in the middle of the night. Sometimes a con. Good luck!!
ReplyDeleteI have a huge water bottle that I got at my Hot Yoga Studio. It keeps me on track with drinking water because I have it on my desk all day and don't have to refill it very often. I didn't bring it on my vacation last week and I have already noticed a huge difference in my skin and energy level! Great idea for a challenge.
ReplyDeleteA gallon sounds like such a huge amount of water compared to what I drink now. I find that my intentions are good when it comes to drinking more water, but then I get busy at work and the time flies by before I'm able to take a sip.
ReplyDeleteI downloaded a water app, and I got so annoyed by the hourly reminders, that I uninstalled it. But, this makes me want to give it another shot.
ReplyDeleteI know I already told you this, but you are going to be AMAZED. All the things you just listed are seriously true and definitely happen if you stick with it! It honestly makes me a little embarrassed that I haven't always drank this much water daily because hi FREE magical skincare.