The Gallon Challenge: It's over!

October 6, 2016

WE ARE DONE. I never thought I would be so excited for this challenge to be over but I am. Let me explain.

I love the way my body feels, but I hated the fact that all I thought about was water. I hated carrying around the huge jug and I dreaded drinking water. Yes, moving forward I realize how much better I feel and will work towards drinking more every day. But man, oh man.

My goal moving forward is 3/4 a gallon everyday. I switched to a big Starbucks tumbler and that makes drinking so much easier! How did you all like the challenge? I do have to admit, I will miss the daily snapchats of your water jugs!

Let's talk about updates. 
  • Loving: That it is over and how light I feel. Light is different than skinny. I just feel more agile. 
  • Feeling: Good! 
  • Anticipating: Incorporating drinking more water into my daily life. I know I need it, so I need to get better. 
  • Enjoying: That I don't have to carry my jug anymore :)
Callie's thoughts: I cannot imagine not drinking a ton of water anymore. It made me feel so much better and the thing I notice the most is fewer cravings and so much less tired. The big jug was so good, but now I know what a gallon looks like so I don't need to carry the heavy jug anymore.

So, there you have it. The challenge is over. Here's to drinking more water, feeling better and NOT carrying around the big jug.

Happy Thursday everyone! Stay tuned for tomorrows post! A beginner's guide to Denver! I am so thrilled to share last weekends girls weekend with you and all the Denver hot-spots we tried out!

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  1. Loved following along your water drinking journey! ;) We naturally crave TONS of water & are always shocked when people aren't as thirsty throughout the day as we are.

    xo, B&K

  2. I may just have to try a small version of this challenge myself. Lugging around a gallon of water definitely does not sound like fun, so I'll aim lower. But it will be nice to know that I am incorporating more water into my daily routine. Thanks for sharing your journey!

  3. YAY for completing it! I have a tumbler and I know I need to drink x amount of those a day to feel good, and it's WAY easier than lugging around a gallon jug haha!


I love hearing from all of you and greatly appreciate all your feedback and comments! xx Kristen