TGL Podcast Episode Three: RIP Luke Perry + 3 Things to Know about This Girl Life

March 14, 2019

On this episode Kristen and Whitney talk about the loss of celebrity crushes. We share 3 intentions of This Girl Life and what you can always expect from your two virtual BFFS. 

1. TGL is a place a great friendship. We wanted to help create a place that feels having happy hour with your best friends, a kick ass community of friends, fun, encouraging & full of good convos and of course some wine.

2. Relevant guests and great topics. We are bringing on women who you want to be friends with because they are so positive and vibe at a high frequency. Plus, they are brilliant in their fields. They'll share the best tips and tricks leaving you with all the knowledge you need.

3. A great place to find positivity. We want to be two woman in your life, a place you can go where you can focus on the good things. Those simple little joys in life and the things that make you happy.

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