I have had the best couple of weeks recently. It's been a rush of a two weeks - visiting friends all over. Two weekends ago I was in Atlanta visiting Lauren and it was incredible. I got in late Thursday and the fabulousity began. It was so nice to sit around and talk and catch up. Lauren and I have this ability to not see each other for six months and as soon as we're back together, we pick up right where we started. We went to the Coke Factory and tried Coca-Cola from all over the world and then we went to the Worlds Largest Aquarium. Hanging out with Lauren instantly throws me back into the Vitamin C lyrics, "And as our lives change from whatever, we will still be friends forever." I don't think those lyrics could ring anymore true. From 1st grade to college graduation and still going strong. We were having too much fun together - that we didn't worry about tomorrow. We always have the best talks. We talked about life, careers, relationships & friendships. We talked about passion and emotion and the need for it in all circumstances. Regardless of, if that passion and emotion is positive or negative its unrealistic to think one can live without it. Journey said it right, "Living just to find emotion." We both realized that we rather live with passion and emotion in our lives than to be complacent and boring and stuck. Call me a hopeless romantic or unrealistic but it's hard to believe that there is life without that. Because passion is about living for what matters the most.
After that I got to spend a fun-filled week, getting a new dog Henry, spending time with my family and enjoying Arizona. "There's no place like home." After a great Fathers Day, I ventured back to California for a week in the ocean-kissed air and soaked in everything Malibu. I forgot how absolutely breath-taking Malibu is, I know I've only been gone for a little over a month but from that first look at the ocean after coming through the tunnel on the I-10 to the view seen from campus, it really is a diamond in the rough. From the second I got into Malibu it was a whirlwind of events. Visiting friends all over the 27 mile stretch that is Malibu - I was never bored to say the least. I was lucky enough to spend the week with Kate & Kate. After wine nights, movie nights, wine tasting, Taco Tuesday, the Whiskey and more pictures than ever, we all realized how blessed we are to have each other. Granted we've all only been friends for the past six months, we've grown close regardless of time & place. We're not together every day, we don't get to see each other all the time (besides Skype dates) but we have made a friendship that works. It's one of the most comforting feelings to know that regardless of how hard it might be to maintain, I know at the end of the day these two girls are here. Leaving college I knew I'd lose touch with some people, I knew I wouldn't talk to or see people like I used too, but I'm ecstatic to know that Kate & Kate are two girls that won't disappear, like so many others have. This trip was exactly what I needed.
It was my Malibu-closure that, for the last 6 weeks, I've been desperately trying so hard to find. I think for a lot of people who graduate it's hard to officially say goodbye to something that has become such a huge part of us. For some, closure is found in a new job or a new relationship. For me, it was going back to the place I missed the most, soak it in, remember it for everything I loved about it and leave knowing I'll be back soon. It's hard, but you can't be afraid of everything you don't know.
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