So thankful.

August 22, 2010

Day 22 - Write about someone you would give your life up for without question.

This question scares me because I'm not sure I can answer it. When I really think about the meaning of this question, I'm almost positive I can't. I think about my most precious relationships, my family, my best friends, I would do pretty much anything for those people. I would sacrifice everything I own, and posses for those people, but my own life? I'd love to say yes, I would, regardless of time, place and location that I would. But when I think about it, I'm just not sure. And I think that regardless of time, place and location, Jesus would never be afraid to say anyones name, He gave his life up for everyone. And that is something so special and amazing and I don't think I could, it just makes me so grateful Jesus did. 

1 comment

  1. yeah, you are true indeed , same here no one in this world can ever replace the family first, love ones whom you will give up your life and sacrifice..

    I have a 3 yr old kid, struggling for an illness..I can give up my life for him to feel him sooo much..i'm dying inside everytime, if I could only do so much not feel the pain..


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