Hello September.

September 1, 2015

August, you were okay. September, welcome, I am so excited for you. 

August was a long month. Knee surgeries, exams, trips, you name it, August had it. I am so looking forward to September... hopefully life will slow down, cool down and I'll finally be out of my knee brace (victory!)!

Can you believe we only have 4 months left in 2015! It's almost time to start making new years resolutions. There are so many things I want to do and accomplish, but that's a big task. I'm going to start small and focus on September.

Last fall, I made fall bucket list and I loved it. It's a good way to start fresh in the middle of the year. So, in the spirit of it almost being fall, here is my September bucket list!
  1. Enjoy life's adventures. There are so many amazing things going on and I'm excited to have the time to enjoy every single one.
  2. Go to happy hours with my friends. It's finally cool enough outside that patio happy hours are back. 
  3. Spend an evening with Helene from Helene in Between and her blog seminar! Helene is doing this amazing webinar to help people grow their blogs. Helene is basically like the queen of blogging and I'm excited to learn from here. 
  4. Take my knee brace off! (t minus 2 weeks!) Trust me, this huge thing is hot and uncomfortable. 
  5. Celebrate lot's of birthdays! There are SO many birthdays in September! My dad, my mother-in-law, Lyndsey, Weekley plus like 35 more people. I could literally celebrate a birthday every day in September. 
  6. Spend a weekend in the mountains. Vail, Breckenridge, you name it, I want to be there. 
  7. Drink fall beers. I am a sucker for Octoberfest beers. Any brand, I will drink it. 
  8. Wear jeans again. (see #4) This knee brace has forced me to wear jean shorts and leggings. I am so ready for skinny jeans again! And boots. And scarves. Bring on the fall clothes. 
  9. Watch football. Lot's of football. I just had my family fantasy football draft and I think this could be my year. It's time for the Paradise Valley Predators to bring home the trophy. 
  10. I'm embarking on a new venture with a close friend of mine. I can't say much today, but I promise I'll let you in on the details soon! 
  11. Multiple weddings & wedding anniversaries. September is obviously the month for love and babies (see #5). 
  12. The thing I'm most excited for is to do nothing. I know this will change, but currently my September planner is pretty empty and I love that. It leaves room for so much possibility. 
Happy September everyone, let's make it great. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am super excited about October Fest! This will be my first year. I have heard mixed remarks about it though.

  3. I am currently working on my fall list to pot this week. I love this time of year! It is the best! We have been so excited for football and I am loving it is finally here too. I found your blog through Helene's instagram webinar group, so I wanted to stop by and say hello! I hope we can connect further :) Popping over to your instagram and twitter! Have a great week!

    Alexis @ www.chemistrycachet.com


I love hearing from all of you and greatly appreciate all your feedback and comments! xx Kristen