When I wasn't working weekends were just another day in the week. Sure, Adam was home but for me life didn't really change. Now that I work all week, counting down the days until Friday night is one of my favorite pastimes.
I haven't done a weekend recap in a long time, so brace yourself, this is going to be a long weekend recap with tons of fun things and a bunch of weekends!
Great American Beer Festival
The Great American Beer Festival is the largest collection of U.S. beer ever served, in a public tasting event. There are more than 3,500 beers from over 700 breweries. Have I sold you on this festival yet? No... okay. Did you know this festival is three days long and takes up the largest space in the Convention Center? Oh also, you can only bring in what you can wear. Cue the pretzel necklaces, Chipotle burritos on necklaces and cookie necklaces.

The Great American Beer Festival is the largest collection of U.S. beer ever served, in a public tasting event. There are more than 3,500 beers from over 700 breweries. Have I sold you on this festival yet? No... okay. Did you know this festival is three days long and takes up the largest space in the Convention Center? Oh also, you can only bring in what you can wear. Cue the pretzel necklaces, Chipotle burritos on necklaces and cookie necklaces.

The whole event is like a huge party. Adam and I went with some good friends of ours and had an absolute blast. We wandered around, sampled beers from our hometowns, random cities I've never heard of and then of course all the good local Colorado beers. We watched a silent disco, yes a disco where only the people wearing the headphones could hear the DJ, who was also wearing headphones. It was so funny we watched for over 5 minutes.
We witnessed the first ever marijuana infused beer, don't worry mom, I didn't try it, but it ran out in 5 minutes, so safe to say it was a hit. Welcome to Colorado! I found out that while I like brown ales, I hate coffee ales. Hate coffee ales? I know, I know, so sue me, I prefer my coffee in a mug, not a beer glass.
Overall, it was such a fun experience. Even if you're not a huge beer drinker, I highly recommend this festival. Grab your friends and your pretzel necklace because this is a party you do not want to miss. Oh, and don't forget your iPhone, there are a lot of good photo ops.
Taylor Swift
If you don't love Taylor Swift, I suggest skipping to the 3-year old birthday party recap, because for the next foreseeable paragraphs I'm going to fan-girl crush about Tay. Oh, and if you don't like Taylor or at least respect her for being a #girlboss, I feel sad for you. Sure, she dates a lot, she loves boys and she hates boy, but this girl has life down pat.

Taylor Swift is not only has the biggest (female artist) album of the year but her album 1989 hasn't left the Top 20 charts since it was released in November 2014. Oh, PS 1989 sold 1.287 million copies in the first week of it's release. Let that sink in. If all that didn't make her awesome, don't even get me started on her #squad. Or the fact that Welcome to New York allowed Tay to donate 50K to NYC public schools. Have I convinced you yet? Maybe Helene's post on why she's rocking social media will convince you. Or maybe I'll just let the pictures do the talking.
I went to Taylor's concert in Omaha with some of my two best girls and when we walked in we said, "we shouldn't be here, we're too old," when we left we were wondering when the next tour was. We went to her last concert together and we all had matching shirts... hey don't make fun, because we were so cool we got brought down to the pit. I was so close to Tay.
Anyways, she sings, dances and interacts with the crowd for two solid hours. I won't hold it against her that there weren't any guest stars at this show, maybe next time. We danced and sang the night away. It was such a blast. I know the tour is almost over, but find a way to go to her show, you won't regret it.
3-Year Old Birthday Party
My niece, Izzy turned three at the most fun birthday party ever. Cue the cake, cookies, life size balloons and bounce house. Three-year olds are so fun it almost makes me think I'm ready for kids. Almost. Izzy knows everything about everything. I swear its like she's one of my galpals. We could sit and chat for hours. Sure it's not wine and RHOC, but it's Peppa Pig and juice boxes, but that girl is a riot.
We spent the afternoon opening presents, eating cookies, jumping on the bounce house and watching her drive her car around the backyard. Family gatherings are my favorite kinds. Its then I wish my everyday wish that all my family lived in the same state. I hope my next birthday is as exciting as Izzy's third birthday.
Another family gathering weekend and it was just as special as the last one. A long weekend in Michigan to visit my wonderful grandparents, family and then to top the weekend off we celebrated at a beautiful wedding.
Friday we spent the day with my grandparents. My grandpa isn't super mobile so we took my grandmother to lunch and then hung out with the both of them at their house. It's incredible how witty they still are. There were more "drop the mic" moments than I can count. It was adorable watching them meet my nephew, their great-grandson for the first time. I'm so thankful I got to see that. Plus, I took a selfie with my grandmother (her first). It was such a wonderful afternoon.
That night was a raucous one as we joined my entire dad's side of the family for drinks and dinner at my aunts house. There is never a dull moment when we all get together. From suede dresses, to leather skirts, wine and even more selfies, we spent most of the evening laughing so hard, I'm pretty sure some of those adults may have peed their pants. I love this crazy family of mine.
Saturday was coney dogs and a wedding (side-note: if you haven't been to National Coney Island in Detroit, well now you have a reason to go to Detroit). Saturday was pretty dang cold, but braving the snow was worth watching two become husband and wife.
See that wish of mine above about family... I'm just so thankful I have such wonderful people to miss.
Well, I think that about wraps up the last couple months. Adam and I have been pretty busy racking up those Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards points, but I wouldn't trade a minute of any of it. Now, I have to sign off to prep my house for weekend-guests. Like I said, life moves pretty fast.
Great post and site! I found you on FB GYB page. Let me know if you’d like to collaborate, be a guest writer with links back to your blog (or vice versa), or get together to do a giveaway with some other bloggers, just support each other in some way. My site is http://www.4hourbodygirl.com.
ReplyDeleteAll the best,
Looks like a great weekend! Love the pretzel necklaces to go with the beer! Haha!
ReplyDelete1. Pretzel Necklaces and Silent Disco
ReplyDelete2. Taylor Swift
3. Leather skirts, wine, and selfies
Did we just become best friends ��