We are so happy to share that we are welcoming another sweet baby girl into our family this July! There is literally nothing sweeter than sharing the news of our growing family!
To be very honest, it still feels surreal we are pregnant again. It doesn't feel that long ago we were sharing Quinn's news! We couldn't feel more blessed or more grateful. God has blessed us immeasurably with this pregnancy and it's something we don't take for granted.
We are over the moon about giving Quinnie a sweet little sister (even though she'll have to learn how to share all her toys). I cannot wait to watch Adam become a #girldad x2 and I can't wait to see how this little sweet baby changes our whole family dynamic. I can't wait until her and Quinnie are best little friends. I can't wait for the matching outfits and the hair boys and the boy drama, that having 2 girls in our house will bring. I can't wait for when she walks, and I can't wait to hear her voice.
To say I'm excited is an understatement.
With that being said, pregnancy is not always easy. This pregnancy has brought anxiety, and guilt, and hesitancy, and worry, along with all those joyful emotions.
I'm going to speak very honestly here, so please give me some grace. When we found out we were pregnant with this baby, we weren't "trying" for this baby. Yes, we weren't using protection, but there was no tracking of periods, no timing ovulation, no planned sex. It just happened. And I think because I didn't have to work at it, it felt too good to be true.
If you're new around here, a little backstory. Adam and I tried to get pregnant with Quinn for about 9 months before we got pregnant with our first baby. We lost our first baby at 10 weeks. So when I think about Quinn, I think about the struggle and the work that went into having her. I think about the tracking apps, and the ovulation sticks, and the timed sex. I think about crying over starting my period and the longing my heart felt. So when we got pregnant with this second sweet girl, it felt like we didn't work hard enough to "deserve her."
On top of that, some of my very closest friends, women I consider my sisters have been having a hard time getting pregnant and I instantly felt guilty that here I was, easily pregnant with my second. Since then, I've had conversations with all those amazing woman who have told me not to feel this way, but it's hard not too. I have felt that sense of longing. I understand it. And my heart ached as I told these girlfriends of mine that I was pregnant when I knew they weren't. The guilt I felt and honestly still feel is heavy. And maybe that's why I waited so long to "announce it." Maybe it was my fear that this too good to be true baby was actually too good to be true.
Whatever the case, I want you to know, I'm not trying to make this a pity post or a post of you reassuring me, because that is not what this is about. This post is about joy and our sweet new baby girl.
But I also want everyone out there who is struggling to get pregnant, or struggling to find their way through this journey to be parents, that my heart is here with you, every single step. Every night when I go to bed, I pray for every person going through this isolating journey. I'm praying for your heart, for peace, and for that sweet baby you are aching for. And when you do get pregnant, I will be here, screaming from the mountain tops with all the joy I have in my heart.
Thank you for all your sweet words, your sweet texts and your encouragement. Adam and I are so lucky to have all of you in our lives to help us celebrate this sweet baby girl.
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