I haven't done monthly updates on the blog, which looking back, I so wish I had! But it's never too late. Cheers to my 8-month old babe.
Size: We don't have an 8 month checkup, but I going to assume she is around 20 pounds. At her 6 month, she was 18 pounds and since then, she's been eating real food. So let's just guess, 20 pounds. She is wearing 9 month clothes and is almost outgrowing those!
- Sweet potato, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, chicken, peanut butter, salmon, squash, mac and cheese, blueberries, and puffs. (And pretty much any other food)
- Lola and Henry
- Playing the "AH" game with Dada. He says AH and she yells it back. They go back and forth playing this game forever
- Napping - gf loves a good morning nap
- Sitting at restaurants in the high chair
- Waiving at everyone
- Saying mama and dada
- Any and all music
- Her play piano
- The bath
- Her bouncer and her Joovy Spoon walker
- Her stuffed animals, Roger the rabbit, Betty the bunny, and Mr. Bear
- Every single book, but especially the touch and feel books. (Never Touch a Shark)
- Ground beef
- Strawberries
- Poopy diapers
- Sunglasses
- Said mama!
- We had a mama and daughter's day out at Nordstrom Cafe.
- Backyard picnic (loved having her feet in the grass)
- Our first roadtrip is this weekend!
- First time having the flu :(
- First mothers day!
Current Routine & Sleep:
- 7am: Up and nurse
- 745am: Breakfast and play
- 9am: Nap
- 11am: Nurse
- 12pm: Lunch and play!
- 2pm: Nap
- 3pm: Nurse
- 400pm: Snack
- 5pm: Mini-nap
- 6pm: Dinner
- 7pm: Bath, nurse and bed
- First time she said mama
- Her big smile whenever Adam comes home from work
- How she loves to eat so much and kicks her feet while doing so
- How she laughs so hard when you tickle her tummy
- How she snores when she naps
- Her little wave and how she genuinely is so happy to see anyone and everyone
- How she smacks her lips when she eats
- Her chubby hands
- How she can almost say bye bye - bah bah
- My first mothers day and how she took a nap on me
- How when I pick her up from daycare, she smiles ear to ear and waives at me
I honestly feel so emotional when I think about Quinn and how sweet, loving and absolutely wonderful she is. I am feeling so incredible grateful that I am blessed to be her mama. Here's to 8 months little Q.

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