Happy Wednesday everyone! It's no secret I'm sort of on a John Legend kick right now. Besides the fact that he legitimately has the best voice, the hottest wife & does cool things... he collaborates with so many great people. Remember last week, I shared with you this gem? Well, I've got another great John Legend collab and the WINNER of last weeks giveaway! It's a big day people. First, enjoy this great new song.
Okay, what you've all been waiting for...the giveaway winner!
Winner, winner, can I get a drum roll please?
Tori! You're the winner! Tori blogs at Chase the Write Dream!
You should (1) congratulate her and (2) go check out her blog!
Congrats Tori! I'll be sending you an email shortly!
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I love hearing from all of you and greatly appreciate all your feedback and comments! xx Kristen