The next 5 years.

January 16, 2017

The other day I was having a boozy lunch with my girlfriend when she asked me what I hope to be doing in five years. Seems like an ordinary question right? But it took me off guard. My first instinct was well I like what I'm doing now, I'm happily married, I'll be doing what I'm doing today!

But on my way home, I started legitimately thinking about her questions. Where/what do I hope to be doing in five years.

It is not lost on me that I am turning 30 this year. I don't do well with getting older. I tend to subscribe to the theory that you should have certain things checked off by a certain age. I know that's a shitty theory, but hey, it's true. So far in my life, this theory has worked, right? I've accomplished a lot in my 29 1/2 years of life and I'm proud of that. But where will I be in five years?

Let's do a little throwback. Five years ago, I was 24. Five years ago, I was a second year in law school. Adam and I had been dating for 2 years. I had just gotten my first A in law school. My brother and sister in law weren't even married yet. I was still living the student life with no idea what my future would hold. If you told me then that I'd be married, living in Denver with two dogs and working as an attorney I would have said you were nuts. But, here we are. I cannot wait to see what the next five years has in store.
In the next five years, I hope to have little Kavan nuggets running around, calling me mom. That they're not annoying and that when my friends come over they tell me how great my kids are and that they're cute. I hope that I still love what I do. I do now, but who knows what five years brings. Maybe I'll wanna work at Costco and I'd be happy checking people's receipts and saying good afternoon. I hope to have found the balance between bad comparison and good comparison with others because we all know I live and die by Instagram likes and comments. I hope I have reached 1,000 pure barre classes and still care about my body. Yeah sure I'll still be sneaking dark chocolate kisses every now and again, but getting older is all about balance and maturity. Dark chocolate is mature. I hope I've conquered my fears and started skiing again and that I'm one of those amazing skiers on the mountain, girls with torn ACLs look at and feel inspired. I hope to remember everyone needs a little more grace including myself. I hope my Instagram is making me money. I hope this blog is more than a hobby and maybe this blog will play into what I'm doing in five years. I hope I've convinced my parents to buy a place in Colorado. Yeah they already have grandkids and a house in Arizona, but hey, maybe if I teach my kids to call them GiGi and PopPop, they'll buy a place here too. Coti and I will still talk on the phone every morning regardless if I'm driving to work or changing my cool kids diapers. She'll tell me I still have road rage even though it was my 2017 resolution and I'll ask her if she still has 13,000 unopened emails. I hope I still like cold shrimp. This has been a touch and go relationship my whole life, who knows if this could change. I hope I've seen Forest Gump and all the Star Wars movies. I've seen some of the classics, but as Adam tells me, not enough. Looks like I need to add a few movie marathons to my next five years. I hope I still make Adam laugh, even if they are pity laughs. I hope Debbie, my car is still running. She's a good car.  I hope I have more nieces and nephews. Hey sister--in-laws, I'm talking to you. I hope I am happy. I hope I am content. I hope I have one of those homes that people feel comfortable in. Ya know the place where you walk in and just wanna grab a glass of wine and sit on the couch without asking? I want my home to be that place. I hope my wine collection only gets better so when people walk into my home they have a lot of options to pick from before they get cozy on the couch. I hope my best friends realize that Denver is a cool place to live and they move here too so we can have bachelor nights and spontaneous dinners on Tuesday nights with all the wine selections I have. I hope I'll have finally written that book I want to write. My journal is full of pages that I need to write. I hope I find the time to write that book. I hope that book becomes a centerpiece to my cozy home that my friends like hanging out at with wine, even with screaming kids running around while Lola and Henry chase them. That is where I hope to be in five years
Happy Monday friends. Here's to the next five minutes, the next five months and the next five years. May all your goals and dreams come true.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

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  1. I'd enjoy having a boozy lunch with you, too :) Enjoyed hearing about your thought and plans for the next five years. Hope you're able to have lots of little Kavan nuggets!

  2. All good hopes! I hope to have a second mini version of myself running around, to be working for myself, and to be enjoying life as often as possible.

  3. So funny. Right now, I'm 24 years old, and am 2 semesters away from graduating with my master's in school counseling. In 5 years, I hope to have 1 or 2 healthy kids, a home in the country, and a happy career- whether it's blogging full time, or counseling. Still trying to figure out my life.

  4. So awesome how excited you seem to be a mom someday! I'm sure you'll make a great one :) I can't wait to see where the next 5 years takes me! xx

  5. In five years, I hope to have success in my writing and be further along with my dream/passion of writing a memoir.

  6. I love this post! Such a fun and uplifting idea to think about where I want to be in the next 5 years. Thank you for the inspiration!


I love hearing from all of you and greatly appreciate all your feedback and comments! xx Kristen