Happy Friday & Happy Mother's Day Weekend!
This weekend is dedicated to my mother and all the other amazing mamas out there. I am super fortunate to have a lot of moms in my life. Specifically my mama, you rock. To my mother-in-law, thank you for raising the best son and welcoming me to your family. To my amazing sisters-in-law, you girls are my inspo I cannot wait for my future kids to hang out with their cousins. To my girl friends, you are incredible mamas and proof that mamas are smokin hot.
There are a lot of lucky babies out there.
To all you mamas, this is dedicated to you and all the hard work you put into raising your family. I don't pretend to know how hard it is to raise a human. I have two-dogs and some days I feel like I could pull my hair out. To your long hours, sleepless nights and thankless moments, please allow me to thank you. You are amazing and you deserved to be spoiled today and every day. I know a lot of people saying being a mama can be a thankless job. Well, thankless no more.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I think you are exquisite.
Yes, there are many amazing mama's out there but this post from here down is dedicated to my mama. Happy Mother's day to my favorite lady in the world.
An oldie, but a good - I think this was 2009!
Thank you for taking my call all day every day. Yes, I know I call you at 6am and 10pm and every hour in between. But thanks for always answering my call. Thanks for letting me vent about the same things for 45 minutes on end. Thanks for letting me tell you the same stories, the same excitements and the same news. Thanks for listening when I have nothing to tell you and I just call because I'm stuck in traffic.
Thank you for reading my blog, sharing my posts, commenting on my Instagram, telling your friends about my blog and taking pictures for me. Thanks for buying me clothes you think I would like and my readers would buy. Thanks for being my personal shopper.
Thanks for visiting Adam and I in Denver and grocery shopping for me. There is nothing better than a visit from your parents and a trip to Costco.
Thanks for teaching me how to do my laundry when I was a kid, so that I can do my family laundry now. Even though I don't iron Adams undershirts like you do dads, I still know how. Thanks for being martha stewart and knowing exactly how to get red wine out of blouses and spaghetti sauce out of couches.
Thank you for teaching me how to cook chicken. There is nothing worse than raw chicken, so thanks for teaching me how to make sure its cooked. Thanks for teaching me how to make steak. Even though the first time I made it for Adam I almost burned our apartment now, I think I've got it down now.
Thanks for giving me the genetic trait that makes me cry at almost anything. Commercials, a sweet note or even this blog post will probably have both of us in tears by the end. All my friends know I'm the token crier, so I owe that to you.
Thanks for teaching me how to be a good wife an hopefully some day a good mama. I cannot wait for my kids to get to experience you as their nana.
Thank you for teaching me how to love other people. If there is one thing I learned its how to be a gracious host and always want to be the host. Lets face it, we'd rather be in our own house on our own hosting terms. Am I right? One day I'll have a kitchen as big as yours.
Thank you for teaching me how to stand up for myself and what I believe in. Thank you for encouraging me daily. Thank you for supporting me through some life failure and some amazing life joys. I'd literally be lost without you and the force you are in my life.
If I don't say thank you enough, thank you. You are the best mama.
Happy Mother's Day to all you amazing mamas out there. We couldn't do it with out you. Cheers to you, I hope you get to sleep a little later, shower a little longer and snuggle those babies of yours a little more.
What a lovely tribute to your mom! I wish I had as close of a relationship with my mom, but unfortunately I don't have a good relationship with my mother. The only real thing she taught me is basically to not do what she did. I'm hoping to be a better mom for my daughter.
ReplyDeleteThis is so so so sweet! We have so many things for which we should thank our mothers and this was a beautiful letter. I loved reading every word! Thank you for sharing, Kristen!
ReplyDeletexx, Taylor (thesprinkle.tayloramead.com)
This is Beautiful!!! Mothers are so valuable.. their words and their comfort!! Happy Mother's Day to your momma!!