-----> Friday Favorites

May 27, 2016

Oh, how I love Fridays.

Fridays are like the lighthouse guiding you into the harbor. It's the perfect Instagram filter or its when you find the perfect lighting. Fridays are the perfect combination of white wine and chinese food takeout. Fridays are the best.

Wanna know what else is the best ---> Friday Favorites on the blog.

The world is currently full of crap. Things like Trump v. Hillary are on every news outlet. There are thousands of tornadoes hitting the midwest. TSA lines are 3 hours long and people are going bankrupt.

Let's make today a good and happy one. Let's share the good things going on in the world. The positive, happy things. Those are the things worth talking about after all.
  1. Did you guys see Helene's new project --> Blog Boss Babe. It's incredible. Want to grow your blog, learn how to do cool things and grow all your social media platforms, all while learning from the best bloggers around? This is your site then. 
  2. This. Song. 
  3. My blogging BFF, Amber made cannoli poke cake. Guys, this is unreal. 
  4. Nordstrom is currently in the midst of it's half-yearly sale, which is the best time of the year. Don't tell the hubs, but I did a little shopping (I'll return half anyways...maybe). They just have so much good stuff, I cannot handle it. 
  5. NORDSTROM -  Shop the Half-Yearly Sale for Men, Women & Kids through June 5
  6. Adam and I saw Chris Stapleton a couple weeks back and it was the greatest concert I've ever seen. Sure, it wasn't all glitz and glam, but it was amazing vocals and the best jams. I haven't stopped listening to this one --> 
  7. Queso Cheeseburgers with Avocado and Pico de Gallo. What. Is that even a thing? Oh yes, it is. And here is the recipe. You are welcome. 
  8. Most of you know about my obsession with Chrissy Teigan. She is queen. And this list of her funniest tweets prove it. You're welcome. #8, #9, #12.
  9. This dress because I think it would be really pretty on and I could twirl in it. 
  10. This hilarious post on how to beat Bloggers Block from my friend Kelsey. She's hilarious and witty and posts funny Snapchats. You should be friends with her too. 
  11. Every song from Grey's Anatomy and Quantico. Did you know there is a website where you can see specific songs for specific episodes. Yeah, that's the truth. 
  12. These 44 examples of Pinterest fails. Oh man, so hilarious. I can totally relate. 
  13. This Bachelorette recap from my friend Jess over at Little Bits of Joy. She is so hilarious and blogs every week with great updates. You should (1) watch the bachelorette because Jojo (2) join my bachelorette bracket and (3) read Jess' recaps. Print it, fill it out, play along. I dare you to try and beat me :)

Happy Friday my dear friends. I hope you have the best one and I hope this post made you smile.

Let's make it the best one.

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  1. So much good stuff here. I'm especially excited to check out that Cannoli recipe (and to "meet" your blogging bff!) Have a great weekend, Kristen! XO

  2. I think it is so funny you have a bachelorette bracket! How fun!!

  3. Love Fridays and this is a great roundup! Have a fabulous weekend!

    xo Mariam | The Petite Bijou

  4. BBB is taking over! hey how you finding our first challenge?

    You watch Bachelorette! your definitely my kinda people, they chose the right one this year and seem to be on a roll. One thing is for sure, i'll be tweeting the heck out of it lol haha

    ahh i just love fridays! Ps: Jess Glynne is already on my playlist

    Maryam | www.creativjunkie.com

  5. I love this!!! the bachelorette is the best!!!! I watch it every week!!!! And gonna have to go to nordstrom this weekend for sure!

  6. I am just now reading this... I'm way behind on reading blogs!! Thank you for mentioning my recaps!!! Now I have to go check out those Pinterest fails because I LOVE those!!!!!


I love hearing from all of you and greatly appreciate all your feedback and comments! xx Kristen