8 Life Lessons to Live By 2018

January 4, 2018

Welcome to 2018! I cannot believe this year is already here. Not gonna lie, I was so ready for 2017 to be over. Don't get me wrong, it was a great year, but it was also a really hard year. And there is something about a new year that creates a sense of a renewed spirit.

I am so ready to get back to my routine, start fresh, start clean. I know, I know, I don't need a new year to have a fresh start but there is something symbolic about the first of the year.

Last year was the first year I gave up resolutions and picked intentions. Last year my intention, my phrase was, "If its not a hell yes, it's a no." I looked at what I want less of and what I wanted more of. It was a decision to chose the things I want and need versus the things I was blah about.

This year, I'm setting goals. I'm creating new intentions.  Call this my vision board for 2018. It's time to set intentions and watch them come true.

The hardest part for me about setting intentions is watching them not come true. Part of my intentions is learning to live those intentions through God's plan. These are my intentions. But I'm walking in to 2018 knowing that Gods plans and intentions are way bigger and better than my own.

Today, my family and I lost a very important man. He's been a mentor, friend and now guardian angel to my family for over 50 years.

During his life, he made it his goal to live by 5 lessons; Be Honest, Work Hard, Have Fun, Be Grateful, Pay it Forward. I learned a lot from him during my life. And today, I'm writing out my 8 life lessons. 8 in 2018.

Accept each season of life as it comes all while knowing the season will change. 
This has been my hardest thing for me to do. It's so easy for me to get bogged down in the middle of a Thursday and forget to look up and see the weekend is only 2 days away. Or get bogged down in a hard month and accept that this too will pass. This year I really want to focus on accepting each season and choosing to learn what I can from that season knowing that it will pass eventually.

Make babies, raise babies, love babies.
This has been a personal goal for a while and here's to watching it come true this year.  This also applies to all the other amazing babies in my life. Nieces, nephews, friends babies. I have a feeling 2018 is going to be the year of the baby.

Someone else's success is not your failure.
This has been on my heart a lot lately. It is so incredibly easy to get bogged down in the success of others and compare it to yours. I work on this daily. Here's to supporting other girls, other guys, other bloggers and instagrammers.

Start each day with a grateful heart. 
Oh gosh, its so easy to wake up with a why me attitude. Why do I have to get up so early? Why do I have to make the bed? Instead, I'm choosing to wake up thinking, I get to go to work. I'm lucky to have a bed to make or dinner to cook for my family. Seeing the positive in the minute tasks is powerful.

Work harder. 
This was something my dad used to say (and still says) to me all the time. He used to tell me, "You may not be the valedictorian of your class, but you can always be the one who works harder." At the end of 2017, I started a new job with so many new challenged and this year I'm pushing myself to always work harder. Work harder than I did yesterday, work harder than my co-worker, work harder than myself.

It's never too late to start again. 
This goes to everything. Did you have a crappy day? Start again tomorrow. Did you have a bad hour? Start again next hour? Was the blog post bad? Write a better one tomorrow. Jump in, start again, stop waiting for something or someone to create your future, your goals, your life. Keep moving forward.

Be intentional. 
This whole post is about creating intentions and sticking to them, but what about being intentional. I desire to be intentional with my relationships, my friends, my jobs. I crave relationship. I crave closeness to people. I desire intentional time. I desire intentional moments.

Chose kindness. 
Being kind is so much easier than being mean. Spread kindness, show kindness, speak kindness. It's incredible what one small token of kindness can do for someone. Life is hard enough, don't be mean.

Happy 2018 friends! Let's make this year the best year.

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1 comment

  1. Love this post! I really really need to work on not thinking someone else's success is my failure. It's so easy to do this, but in the end all it hurts is yourself. Such a wonderful reminder that your success if your own success and no one else has a say in it.


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