Guest Post: Larimar Jewelry

January 24, 2016

Happy Sunday everyone!

When I was 20, I had the coolest experience to study abroad in Florence, Italy. It was the coolest 2+ months of my life. I learned how to travel by plane, train and cab. I figured out how to get around in a town that doesn't speak english and I gained about 15 pounds. It was awesome.

Something that really bonds Adam and I is that he got to have a similar experience, but in the Dominican Republic. Adam got to spend an entire year in the Dominican. He helped build homes, teach children and even visit Haiti. His experience was incredible.

It's now one of the top places on my list to visit.

When this company reached out to me, I knew I wanted to support a business started and thriving in the Dominican. This stone is only found in a mine based in the Dominican Republic. Wait until see these gorgeous stones. Head to their website at and show them some love!

Tell us about your business!
Well, we actually just got into this business about a year ago. We’ve always wanted to do something that allows you to combine designing as well as marketing. Being on just one of those ends is great but not ideal. When you work on both ends you really get insights on what a customer is looking for and it really allows you to get into a customer’s mind. So how that works is we brainstorm all kinds of ideas on specific jewelry types, forms, designs etc. and then get everything made and then give samples to certain customer groups for feedback. Once we have feedback and have a good estimate on what will likely work and what won’t we start a large scale production. And once the production is finished we get into stage 2 which is marketing. We push all of our larimar jewelry on our Social Media as well as with paid advertising. Then we lean back and hope to make a lot of people happy.

Tell us how/why you got involved in this kind of business.
We first stumbled across Larimar like I mentioned above about 1 year ago. It was more accidental than anything. We were looking for gifts for our parents when we saw a little stand on the street selling this gorgeous turquoise stone. We instantly stopped and had to investigate further. The seller told us that the stone was called Larimar and that it could only be found in a single mine on the planet which was based in the Dominican Republic making it a particularly unique Dominican gemstone. We purchased a few samples and when we got home and showed our friends a lot of them wanted to know where we got them. That’s when the light was sparked and we decided to start selling Larimar.

What are your goals for your business?
Well, for now we really just want to establish ourselves as the official place to buy Larimar. There’s a few ways we plan to do that. One would be via Social Media, that means really creating a large following and the right way to do that is by offering quality content on everything surrounding Larimar. Another thing is actually really offering high quality Larimar, so we’re working on continuously expanding our selection of Larimar Jewelry and also looking for new craftsmen as well as jewelers that can bring new unique styles to our selection. And then obviously the ultimate goal would be to make a good living off Larimar while creating an amazing product that people are excited to have and wear. Honestly speaking though I think both go hand in hand so achieving one of those goals implies the other. 

What’s the inspiration behind the name of your business
Unfortunately there’s a lot of junk being sold as Larimar which is either not real Larimar or just a cheap imitation of Larimar. So it’s really essential to create a platform where people know they’re getting the legitimate thing. That’s why we decided to use the domain which obviously creates instant trust as an official platform. 

Where can we find you? 
You can find us online at or in person in the Dominican Republic working on new Larimar stones or elsewhere in the world enjoying life to the fullest.

Aren't they beautiful? If you're looking for a great gift, I highly recommend checking out their website!   photo signature_zpsjjb9ve7m.png


  1. Dear Kristen!! Awesome information about larimar (Stefilia's Stone). i just love this stone.

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I love hearing from all of you and greatly appreciate all your feedback and comments! xx Kristen