Recipe: Sweet and Sticky Chicken Bites + Cauliflower Rice

January 7, 2016

Babe, it smells like poop in here.
Babe, seriously.
Kristen, why does it smell so bad in here. [insert fake gagging noises]
This smell is never going to leave our house.
Can we open a window [mind you, its 12 degrees outside]
But really, what are you making.
How are you going to eat that? [more gagging noises]
This is what happens in our house when I make anything with cauliflower in it. Steamed cauliflower, cauliflower rice, cauliflower with cheese. Doesn't matter, Adam think its smells like death.

Now, if that didn't make you super pumped for this recipe, I don't know what will! The cauliflower rice is only a very small part of this recipe, so if you or your significant other can't stand the smell, this post is still for you.

If it were up to me and my metabolism allowed, I would eat chinese food all day, every day. Doesn't matter what kind, I would eat it.

When I found this recipe, I instantly thought it closely resembled Adam's favorite sticky chicken bites. The thing I like about this recipe is that it is less salty and more flavorful. I'm not knocking the other one, I love that one, but this one is just so much better!

  • 1 head of cauliflower, chopped
  • 1/3 cup chicken or beef broth  (I added a titch more as it was cooking because it was dry)
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 pounds chicken breasts, cut into cubes
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 small yellow onion, minced
  • 1 can full fat coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup coconut aminos
  • 3 tablespoons Sriracha (depending on how spicy you want it)
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • salt, to taste
  • 1/4 cup tapioca flour

How to Make
  1. Run florets of cauliflower through a food processor using the shredding attachment, to rice the cauliflower. 
  2. Place a medium saucepan over medium heat, add cauliflower and broth or water and garlic powder and salt to the pan and cover to let steam for about 10 minutes. Mix a couple times to keep from sticking to the bottom.
  3. Now place a large saucepan or dutch oven over medium heat. Add coconut oil. Once oil is very hot, add chicken to the pan without crowding the pan to help with searing. Sprinkle with salt. Once chicken begins to turn white, flip on cook on other side. After chicken has cooked through, remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
  4. When chicken is done cooking, add 2 more tablespoons to the pan (if needed) then add garlic and onion. Once onion becomes translucent, add coconut milk, honey, coconut amines, sriracha, red pepper flakes, and salt. Whisk together and let come to a low boil then reduce to low heat.
  5. Lastly, while continuously whisking, add in tapioca flour ⅛ cup at a time. Be sure to continuously whisk to keep from tapioca flour from clumping.
  6. Once mixture thickens, add chicken to the pan with the sauce and coat, let cook for about a minute to reheat the chicken.
  7. Pour sauce and chicken on top rice and garnish with green onions.
Look at that fluffy rice! 
The sauce should thick and sticky, keep it on the heat and stirring if not. 
yep. thats the stuff.

What's something you're husband or significant there hates when you cook? 
Come on, theres gotta be something! 
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  1. I have to admit, I have never tried Cauliflower rice, but this recipe actually makes me want to try it! :)

  2. I don't know about the smell, I think it looks delicious.

  3. That looks so dang good. I'm going to have to try making cauliflower rice.

  4. Oh dear. These look so very scrumptious that they can't be any good for me. They're probably not on my diet, but I'm pinning anyway. I can actually smell them from the ingredients list!

  5. Yum! This looks so delicious! Even if it does smell like poop! haha That cracked me up! I have never tried cauliflower rice, but as much as my family loves rice, I will definitely make it soon!

  6. Tell me again what are coconut amines? It's looks great!!!

  7. Love the idea of the cauliflower rice! I'm going to have to try this!

  8. Adam's commentary always kills me lol!! Ps. I have never made cauliflower rice because it sounded intimidating, but you have inspired me to make some!

  9. My boyfriend groans when I cook anything remotely fragrant and healthy, so some yummy chicken is totally the way to trick him into trying cauliflower rice!
    xo Chelsea

  10. Cauliflower rice is a brilliant idea and I know my family would love this recipe. Pinning to make later.

  11. THIS. This is exactly how my husband acts when I cook with cauliflower!

  12. This looks delicious and I can't wait to try it!

  13. This looks so tasty! I discovered cauliflower rice last year and I love it as a substitute for white or brown rice. Yum!


I love hearing from all of you and greatly appreciate all your feedback and comments! xx Kristen