Beating the Blizzard Blues

February 3, 2016

It's still winter. Does anyone feel like winter is longer than any other season? Why can't summer be this long? Imagine the BBQ's and lake trips that could happen.

#WinterStormKayla hit us pretty dang hard yesterday. Denver is currently covered in feet of snow. Yesterday I had a snow day! It's freezing cold. It's super snowy. There are grey clouds in the sky and I don't remember what summer looks like.

But, ya know what, even though summer is still 5 months away, there are still things to do to combat the blizzard blues.

  1. Clean off your DVR. I don't know about you, but I'm always in a constant battle with it being at 95% full. There is never enough time in the week to keep up to date with shows. During my snow day I caught up on a huge amount of TV shows. 
  2. Play with your dog. Henry is pretty used to being alone Monday - Friday. He didn't really know what to do when I was home Tuesday. But we played a lot of catch, attempted some walks, even though the snow was 8 inches deep and he got a few more treats than usual. 
  3. Catch up on blogging. Guy, I pre-blogged some great posts and cannot wait for you to read them! 
  4. Take some good Instagram pictures. When you have time to take pictures during the day and not at work always makes for better pictures. 
  5. Work out. Take a class that you usually can't due to work. That is unless your classes are cancelled because of the blizzard. In that case, do a workout on TV! 
  6. Make a delicious dinner. This is rad. I'm usually rushing home from Pure Barre to make dinner so that we're not eating at midnight. I love having dinner prepared early. 
  7. Read a book. My February goal is to read 5 books. Having a blizzard day is helping my goal! 
  8. Plan a vacation. There is nothing better than planning a fun trip in the middle of a blizzard. 
  9. Call your mom. Remember J.K. Simmons speech at the Oscars? Stop texting, call your mom. Having a day off is a great day to do just that. 
  10. Pack. If you're moving in two weeks like I am you should pack. Except I have no motivation soooo I'll probably not pack. 

How do you beat the blizzard blues?
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  1. I live in Atlanta and we are having a little warm weather this week after our 1/2 inch of ice last week haha. I actually ate Mexican on the patio of the restaurant last night. Atlanta shuts down if we have even the threat of snow though. These are great tips for our next "blizzard!"

  2. I'm so jealous you got off yesterday! It was super slick, but I work on a Medical campus, so it's not often we get canceled. I did have a delay and got to do a little bit of social media stuff for the blog. We had fun watching our pup dive into untouched snow drifts.

  3. This makes me wish I had a snow day coming up! It's been unusually mild weather in Chicago so far this winter. Our rain actually makes me miss the cold.

  4. When I lived in New England, catching up on blogging was always my go to during a snow day!

  5. I have to admit, I was kind of envious of everybody in the DVR because I knew that they'd have the chance to clean off their DVR! In the part of Texas that I live in we only get snow like once a decade, so I don't think that I'll have that opportunity!

  6. We have had very little snow in Kansas!! I feel for you! Those are good ideas!


I love hearing from all of you and greatly appreciate all your feedback and comments! xx Kristen