So reading has really never been my thing. in highschool i did it because if not, mr. midkiff would have my head. then came college and all i had time for were big bad textbooks. not until recently have i discovered the feeling of getting lost in a good book.
I remember in mr fays 3rd grade class this girl kathy. i’ll never forget her. dark eyes framed by these glasses that look like they’d been passed down from her great grandmother. short poofy, mousy brown hair, always pulled back with a headband and she was obviously dressed by her mother, with no say in the matching plaid pant suit she wore. one thing though, she always had her nose buried in a book, in 3rd grade! and it was always at least 500 pages, while every other (normal) kid was out running around on the playground, kathy sat in the shade, reading and reading. there was even one time, she was sneak reading under her desk during class and got in trouble.
Anywayyys - the point of this i dont really know, besides pure and innocent humor, but i was never a reader, or a plaid wearing for that matter, until recently.
Last summer, I started the Harry Potter series and much to my chagrin I really feel in love with them. I started them based on my ideal that, in order to have an opinion on something, you have to have a knowledge of that subject. so, I started reading, and got lost in them. I finished the 7th book this summer, and now I’m already started on a new series, Twilight. It’s about vampires, I was never into vampires. My best friend, shes another story. LOVED the Buffy series, and Angel and all that jazz - but it never fascinated me, until Stephenie Meyer made it into a deep love story - with characters that happen to like the flavor of blood. I LOVE it. Its so intreiging to me and I can’t stop reading. I bought the 2nd book today and plan on spending my afternoon, like my 3rd grade friend Kathy - with my nose buried in a book, reading&reading.
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